Using react-router-dom hooks

I want to use react-router-dom hooks but I get: useLocation() may be used only in the context of a <Router> component. It looks like the application is not wrapped in <BrowserRouter/>
3 Replies
robust-apricot2y ago
Hi @a77ay,
are you using like this ?
import {
} from '@pankod/refine-core';

const ExampleComponent = () => {
const { useLocation } = useRouterContext();

return <div/>
import {
} from '@pankod/refine-core';

const ExampleComponent = () => {
const { useLocation } = useRouterContext();

return <div/>
If you are not, can you give me more detail of your environment ? for example: what is your @pankod/refine-core and @pankod/refine-react-router-v6 versions if u have @pankod/refine-cli installed, u can run npm run refine whoami and all env details will be listed. if you share with us, we can easily debug 🙏 if not installed npx @pankod/refine-cli whoami you can run this ofc 😄
adverse-sapphire2y ago
No, I tried directly. This solves my problem. Thank you.
robust-apricot2y ago
your welcome, I'm glad to hear that 🙏
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