Uncaught TypeError date.locale is not a function

I am using ant design TimePicker component on my form. While creating a form it doesn't have a problem but when I am trying to edit and click on edit icon then my edit page crashes with the above mentioned error. My detail page response from API is:
"details": {
"id": 45,
"created_by": 3,
"route": 7,
"via": [],
"shift": "N",
"start_time": "05:00:00",
"end_time": "08:00:00",
"price": 232,
"has_dynamic_price": false,
"is_cancelled": false,
"pickup_points": [
"id": 45,
"point": 14,
"time": "5:00 AM"
"id": 46,
"point": 3,
"time": "6:00 AM"
"drop_points": [
"id": 28,
"point": 11,
"price": null,
"time": "8:00 AM"
"details": {
"id": 45,
"created_by": 3,
"route": 7,
"via": [],
"shift": "N",
"start_time": "05:00:00",
"end_time": "08:00:00",
"price": 232,
"has_dynamic_price": false,
"is_cancelled": false,
"pickup_points": [
"id": 45,
"point": 14,
"time": "5:00 AM"
"id": 46,
"point": 3,
"time": "6:00 AM"
"drop_points": [
"id": 28,
"point": 11,
"price": null,
"time": "8:00 AM"
And I get the start_time and end_time as string, which TimePicker component cannot convert to dayjs. What can I do to make it work?
1 Reply
inland-turquoise3y ago
Hi @dipbazz, You can use getValueProps to convert your value to a DatePicker compatible type like this: https://github.com/refinedev/refine/blob/next/examples/inputs/datePicker/src/pages/posts/edit.tsx#L82-L84
refine/edit.tsx at next · refinedev/refine
Build your React-based CRUD applications, without constraints. - refine/edit.tsx at next · refinedev/refine

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