custom success notification for useUpdate hook

i want my custom sucess notification for use update hook useUpdate({ successNotifiacation:{ message:"ddd", description:"dddd" } }) this way its not working
2 Replies
absent-sapphire3y ago
Hey @rehan1, I reproduced your issue and I created a custom notification without any problem. You must pass the type parameter to the successNotifiacation. Can you try this code and tell me if it works for you?
successNotification: {
message: "Custom message",
type: "success",
description: "Custom description",
successNotification: {
message: "Custom message",
type: "success",
description: "Custom description",
By the way, you can pass the successNotification to useUpdate's mutate function not useUpdate. Just like this:
const { mutate } = useUpdate({ ... });

successNotification: {...}
const { mutate } = useUpdate({ ... });

successNotification: {...}
sensitive-blueOP3y ago
yeah it worked thanks

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