like-gold•3y ago

in useTable updated field is not getting displayed ..

in useTable updated field is not getting displayed . if i refresh its showing
3 Replies
fascinating-indigo•3y ago
Hey 👋 does your form and list using same resource name?
like-goldOP•3y ago
yeah speciality name is nested inside two tables and am updating it using useUpdate Hook that is another resourse metaData: { fields: [ "id", "title", "first_name", "last_name", "designation_id", "date_of_birth", "blood_group", "mobile", "email", "joining_date", "years_of_experience", "nationality", "role", "department_id", "sub_department_id", "gender", "address_line_1", "address_line_2", "city", "state", "country", "postcode", "known_languages", "organization_unit_id", "image_url", { organization_unit: ["unit_name"] }, { staff_documents: [ "id", "document_type", "document_url", "document_no", ], }, { staff_speciality_mappings: ["id", { speciality: ["id", "name"] }] }, ], }, updateStaffSpeciality({ resource: "staff_speciality_mappings", values: obj, }); this this is the resourse am updating it after this i want to reload table props of another resourse that is staffs updateStaffSpeciality( { resource: "staff_speciality_mappings", values: obj, }, { onSuccess() { console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); refetch(); }, } ); on succcess am not able to refetch tableQueryResult: { refetch } = useTable() of antd
robust-apricot•3y ago

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