Compile Error After Update Refine and Antd

I just update refine and other things but i got error. Could you help me please?
15 Replies
optimistic-gold2y ago can you follow this post please ? it's seems similar error can you try npm install after removing node_modules
absent-sapphire2y ago
I already try that but nothing changed. I delete node_modules, then run npm clear cache --force, then npm verify cache and then npm install but still got error
foreign-sapphire2y ago
Can you try with removing the lock file?
absent-sapphire2y ago
I also get this error too
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absent-sapphire2y ago
I will try it.
foreign-sapphire2y ago
Thank you, we’re investigating the issue
optimistic-gold2y ago
maybe craco can cause problems. can you uninstall craco and try again ? antd removed less support. probably you dont need craco anymore. if it works we will look into the craco fix with core team tomorrow. but probably you don't need craco anymore because antd dropped less support
absent-sapphire2y ago
Hi, i just delete lock file and node modules then insall and now it's ok. But about this error, i don't what it cause but it seems nothing for me for now. Thank you for your support guys. about craco, can i still write css with less? Does it need any configuration?
optimistic-gold2y ago
absent-sapphire2y ago
thank you for your all support, I'll look into it
absent-sapphire2y ago
I want to ask one more question, when i stop app with ctrl+c combination, i think it still running on backgroud. I keep getting this error.
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foreign-sapphire2y ago
Can you share your response of npm run refine — whoami
absent-sapphire2y ago
Yes, there it is
No description
foreign-sapphire2y ago
Thank you for sharing that. I guess there’s an issue with our runner or in any helper or the commands we ran that they dont handle their child processes properly for SIGINT signal to kill the app or a problem with our helpers that does not propagate that signal well. I will investigate this issue and resolve it as soon as possible 🙏 Sorry for the trouble. Btw, does this happen all the time or just happens randomly, and also does it happen after you kill the app and wait for couple seconds and restart? 🧐
absent-sapphire2y ago
I feel like it happens randomly, because now i will change port until 3003, after that i try again port 3000, it's work. It seems it can't kill directly, developer must wait couple seconds, i'm not sure exactly how much.