stormy-gold3y ago

and step form

how to access form.item values which are in stepform in antd formprops.onFinish
8 Replies
stormy-goldOP3y ago
its working properly using form , but not able to get using steps form <Form form={form} {...formProps} onFinish={(values: any) => { formProps?.onFinish && formProps?.onFinish({ ...values, tax_percent: value, }); }}> this way is not working in steps
judicial-coral3y ago
Hey @rehan1, checking the issue now @rehan1, can you provide a repro in stackblitz or somewhere else? What's the exact issue here, is values undefined or lacking some properties?
stormy-goldOP3y ago
the stckblitz link in the documentation of antd steps is also not getting open so that i can let u know the issue this is the link in documentation @alicanerdurmaz i need to modify form.item values before sending <Steps {...stepsProps}> <Steps.Step title="First Step" /> <Steps.Step title="Second Step" /> </Steps> <Form {...step} layout="vertical" onFinish={values => { console.log(values, "safsjdfvsjdhvkjdshvkj"); }}> {formList[current]} </Form> in Normal form its working in steps am not a
Omer3y ago
Hey @rehan1 , You can check this issue
[BUG] onFinish doesn't work when used in a stepsForm · Issue #1594 ...
Describe the bug When I have a steps Form and I need to use onFinish to modify the payload before sending the API, this doesn&#39;t happen. The form does not modify the payload. To Reproduce St...
stormy-goldOP3y ago
it worked can i modify the values like for example am able to add new but nnot able to remove from it .. before sending i want to remove a value from it
Omer3y ago
You can do whatever you want with the method I suggested in the issue.
stormy-goldOP3y ago
<Button {...saveButtonProps} onClick={() => { const values = form1.getFieldsValue(true); console.log(values, ",mnasskfjnskdzv"); submit({ title: "test,test,test", }); }}> Submit </Button> HERE I AM not SENDING VALUES but in payload values are being sent object : {name: "TEST", base_rate: "5", department_id: "b9934b58-b851-45bd-b234-6641be636d56",…} base_rate : "5" department_id : "b9934b58-b851-45bd-b234-6641be636d56" name : "TEST" title : "test,test,test"
Omer3y ago
Might be related to Ant Design

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