flat-fuchsia2y ago

I need to add certificate to useCustom

I have a refine application. The url of backend include 443 port. Error: ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
3 Replies
like-gold2y ago
Hey @Michaelreda, I don't quite understand what you mean but you can override the dataProvider methods like here: https://refine.dev/docs/faq/#how-i-can-override-specific-function-of-data-providers And you can use metaData to send parameters to custom method of your dataProvider. You can find more information here: https://refine.dev/docs/tutorial/understanding-dataprovider/create-dataprovider/#metadata-usage
flat-fuchsia2y ago
useCustom want the url to get the data and the url of backend ends with :443
like-gold2y ago
As I said, you can override your own dataProvider's custom method according to expect of your backend.