national-gold•3y ago

How can we designate the application port?

This project will be running in a monorepo with a bunch of applications and 3000 is already taken. Is there a way to launch Refine on a particular port that we can specify?
3 Replies
national-goldOP•3y ago
Nevermind, found it! Thanks anyways. For anyone who stumbles on this ticket:
// package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "PORT=222 refine start"
// package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "PORT=222 refine start"
correct-apricot•3y ago
you can use PORT env variable to change. You can add this to npm script "dev": "PORT=3000 refine start Oh cool 😄
national-goldOP•3y ago
thank you!

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