homely-rose2y ago

Restrict an entier ressources with usePermission

Hi everyone !! I try to display ressources according to certains roles return by the API. I see in the doc that we can limit editing according to roles or limit certain view but how can we limit an entiere ressources ?
5 Replies
like-gold2y ago
maybe you can create <HavePermission> component and you can wrap your resources
const HavePermission: React.FC<React.PropsWithChildren> = ({ children }) => {
const resource = useResource()
const { data: permissionsData } = usePermissions()

// do business logic here to check if user has permission to access this resource

// if not, return null or redirect to another page

// if yes, return children
return <>{children}</>
const HavePermission: React.FC<React.PropsWithChildren> = ({ children }) => {
const resource = useResource()
const { data: permissionsData } = usePermissions()

// do business logic here to check if user has permission to access this resource

// if not, return null or redirect to another page

// if yes, return children
return <>{children}</>
// ...
name: 'products',
list: () => (
<ProductList />
// ...
name: 'products',
list: () => (
<ProductList />
for more fine tuned permission handling, probably this https://refine.dev/docs/api-reference/core/providers/accessControl-provider/ is a better option
homely-rose2y ago
Thank you @alicanerdurmaz, is it possible t o do it on pages of a ressouces object instead of do it a it page ? For example, specifie an option like we specify a DataProvider
// ...other ressources
name: "users",
list: UsersList,
show: UsersShow,
edit: UserEdit,
options: {
// **refine** will use the `users` data provider for this resource
dataProviderName: "users"
// ...other ressources
name: "users",
list: UsersList,
show: UsersShow,
edit: UserEdit,
options: {
// **refine** will use the `users` data provider for this resource
dataProviderName: "users"
like-gold2y ago
unfortunately not 😦 refine handles this with more finely-tuned with accessControlProvider for example; when you use ths code, all products pages will give 404 and will remove on sider.
can: async ({ resource, action, params }) => {
if (resource === 'products') {
return Promise.resolve({
can: false,
reason: 'Unauthorized',

return Promise.resolve({ can: true })
can: async ({ resource, action, params }) => {
if (resource === 'products') {
return Promise.resolve({
can: false,
reason: 'Unauthorized',

return Promise.resolve({ can: true })
homely-rose2y ago
Ok thank you @alicanerdurmaz, have a nice day 💪
like-gold2y ago
you too 🙏