Error node-modules @pankod refine-core
I dnt know wha is the error or what it means or what to do to fix it.. the code still works normal and i can still keep coding, but the node-module is always red
5 Replies
national-gold•2y ago
What the problem was not understood. Can you prepare an environment (codesandbox or stackblitz) where we can reproduce the problem?
ratty-blush•2y ago
i dont really understand what the problem really is, my node-module indicated an error at @pankod , from there the problem seems to be on the refine-core , from there it indicated the problem is at tsconfig.json... its not clear what the error is, its red on the curly bracets and the error messasges says - "JSON schema for the TypeScript compiler's configuration file
Cannot read file 'c:/Users/bruno/Desktop/fullstack-app/client/node_modules/'.ts" .. i tried to google and found others having similar problems, but no solution helped me, tried also on chat gpt but also no solution.. how can i prepare the codesandboc to reproduce the problem?
national-gold•2y ago
You seem to have a space at the top. However, when I look at the
branch, this space does not exist. Also, no such problem has been reported before.
Does this create a problem with the operation of the project?ratty-blush•2y ago
no, the project seems to be working fine, but is not deployed, is still only on the development.
foreign-sapphire•2y ago
Hello brunob, from your editor settings, you should ignore
, I guess your linter or formatter trying to validate files in node_modules.