eastern-cyan17mo ago

why refine doesn't have nhost data provider with nextjs?

why refine doesn't have nhost data provider with nextjs? Dataprovider
11 Replies
kapa.ai17mo ago
Hey @sreekanth_! I'm the kapa.ai support bot. I've searched through the docs to try to answer your question. :wave: ---------------------- Hmm, I don't know enough to give you a confident answer yet. However, you can learn more about data providers in the Refine docs (https://refine.dev/docs/api-reference/core/providers/data-provider/). Refine offers built-in data provider support for the most popular API providers, and you can also create your own data provider according to your needs. ----------------------
kapa.ai17mo ago
<@764379906657353728> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us how it did by reacting below
Omer17mo ago
Hey @sreekanth_ , Nhost is not provided as a data provider for Next.js projects created with create refine-app. After creating your refine project, you can manually add the Nhost data provider to your project 💯
eastern-cyan17mo ago
Is there any reference to check... Iam facing issues with roles in hasura
Omer17mo ago
How to query Hasura by using MUI Datagrid · Issue #3655 · refinedev...
Hello everybody! I have currently some issues wrapping my head around how to access data from Hasura by using the refine Hasura dataprovider. There is no Example using the MUI package with the Data...
eastern-cyan17mo ago
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eastern-cyan17mo ago
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eastern-cyan17mo ago
I am using hasura provider... But line no 218 throwing error when I try to build Hi... Any idea? @alicanerdurmaz ... Hi...Can you please check...
rare-sapphire17mo ago
Omer17mo ago
I think the NHost data provider is outdated. If you want to use NHost with refine you can create your own DataProvider ⚡️ You can fork from the old one 🪄 https://github.com/refinedev/refine/tree/next/packages/nhost
refine/packages/nhost at next · refinedev/refine
Build your React-based CRUD applications, without constraints. - refine/packages/nhost at next · refinedev/refine
eastern-cyan17mo ago
Thanks... Will check