wee-brown15mo ago

do i need to create another project for the front end of my project?

I created a project, Nextjs, MaterialUI and Supabase… When i go to localhiost 3000, it just gives me the backend, Where is the FrontEnd??? Do i need to create another project for that?
8 Replies
kapa.ai15mo ago
Hi @justcode123. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave:
kapa.ai15mo ago
---------------------- Hmm, I don't know enough to give you a confident answer yet. The information extracts provided are related to refine, a React-based framework, and not specifically about Next.js, Material-UI, and Supabase. However, you can check out the refine documentation and blog posts for more information on how to work with refine: - Refine Documentation: https://refine.dev/docs - Refine Blog: https://refine.dev/blog ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
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kapa.ai15mo ago
<@694853013466251365> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us how it did by reacting below
wee-brown15mo ago
How do I connect refine to a front end Nextjs project?
rising-crimson15mo ago
Hey @justcode123, You totally misunderstood refine, I suggest you check out it again 🚀
wee-brown15mo ago
Can i use this for creating a CMS like login to manage data? I just created a Nextjs project, with Supabase and Material-UI. It’s working, Is this for website??? Or more for a business in-business product management?
ambitious-aqua15mo ago
You can look at the Examples on the https://refine.dev/examples/ There are some examples for you Store example: https://store.refine.dev/ Finefood Admin panel: https://example.admin.refine.dev/ Storefront of the Finefood admin panel: https://example.refine.dev/
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Finefoods Ant Design Admin Panel - refine
Web site created using refine
wee-brown15mo ago
I just don’t get where the front/backend is,,,, i want to use this to manage products, but also a frontend website (nextjs)