vicious-gold•12mo ago

Simple read-only static JSON data provider

I looked through the examples, but I'm not able to find any example which just consumes a read-only JSON URL. Is there a data provider available for this?
22 Replies•12mo ago
Hi @lordi3830. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- Hmm, I don't know enough to give you a confident answer yet. However, refine does provide a variety of data providers that can consume different types of APIs, including REST and GraphQL. You can use these data providers to communicate with your API and retrieve data. For example, the jsonServerDataProvider and simple-rest data provider can be used to communicate with a RESTful API. Here's an example of how you can use it:
import jsonServerDataProvider from "@refinedev/simple-rest";

function App() {
const API_URL = "<";>
const dataProvider = jsonServerDataProvider(API_URL);

return (

export default App;
import jsonServerDataProvider from "@refinedev/simple-rest";

function App() {
const API_URL = "<";>
const dataProvider = jsonServerDataProvider(API_URL);

return (

export default App;
In this example, the jsonServerDataProvider is used to communicate with the API at <> You can find more information about data providers in the refine documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------•12mo ago
<@888709588122222662> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
vicious-gold•12mo ago
I tried that but it appends REST API parameters to the URL•12mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books:
correct-apricot•12mo ago
Hi @lordi3830, I couldn't understand what do you mean by "read-only JSON-URL" can you explain me more please ?•12mo ago
---------------------- Refine's data providers are designed to work with APIs that follow certain conventions. For instance, the simple-rest data provider expects the API to follow a certain URL structure and it appends REST API parameters to the URL. Here's the expected URL structure for each method: | Method | URL | Query Parameters | Body | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | getList | apiUrl / resource | pagination, sorters, filters | | | getOne | apiUrl / resource / id | | | | getMany | apiUrl / resource | id | | | create | apiUrl / resource | | variables | | update | apiUrl / resource / id | | variables | | deleteOne | apiUrl / resource / id | | data: variables | If your API doesn't follow this structure, you may need to customize the data provider. You can do this using the swizzle command. Here's how you can do it: 1. Run the swizzle command in the project directory:
npm run refine swizzle
npm run refine swizzle
2. Select @refinedev/simple-rest from the list of available data providers. 3. Edit the /rest-data-provider/index.ts file to customize the data provider. 4. Pass the customized data provider to the dataProvider prop of the Refine component.
import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
import { dataProvider } from "./rest-data-provider";

const App = () => {
return (
/* ... */
import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
import { dataProvider } from "./rest-data-provider";

const App = () => {
return (
/* ... */
You can find more information about customizing data providers in the refine documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------•12mo ago
<@888709588122222662> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
vicious-gold•12mo ago
just for example "" which returns a JSON list.
correct-apricot•12mo ago
since this is unique to the your application, you need to write your data provider. its really simple and straightforward to implement
vicious-gold•12mo ago
I'm a little bit amazed that this basic use case is not covered 🙂 Is it really so unique to be able to display JSON data?
correct-apricot•12mo ago
ofcourse most of the web already communication with JSON. as you can see here, we are returning response body directly and getting total from header if has, otherwise we are returning data.length if you tell me why simple-rest is didn't work for you, I can try to explain more if this returning plain JSON data, It should work
vicious-gold•12mo ago
ok thx let me check some more Okay so I think I distilled it to this issue: Basically the JSON access works, but I want to do every pagination/sorting to happen client-side, not in the API call. So I don't want another network request when the list sort is changed for example Because the JSON list response does not change depending on the parameters So I think I need to write a data provider that caches the response and performs the sorting/pagination in JS But thats part of the reason why I choose refine so I DONT have to do that 🙂 I think this should be built in. But anyway, thanks for your response, much appreciated
correct-apricot•12mo ago
you can make pagination.mode and filters.mode to "off" and after that you need to handle this features on client side
const {
tableProps: { pagination, ...tableProps },
} = useTable<IPost>({
pagination: {
mode: "off",
filters: {
mode: "off",
const {
tableProps: { pagination, ...tableProps },
} = useTable<IPost>({
pagination: {
mode: "off",
filters: {
mode: "off",
but currently refine does not handle client side filtering, only handles client side pagination. since pagination and filters should work together. we need to set "off" both we are not supporting because most of UI provider handles that pretty good which UI provider are you using ?
vicious-gold•12mo ago
Currently in table-matine-basic
correct-apricot•12mo ago
we are using TanStack Table with mantine because, mantine's offical table is pretty basic
vicious-gold•12mo ago
Ok with the mode: off changes it appears to get closer to what I want Is it available for sorting as well? Ok found it, sorters
correct-apricot•12mo ago
I'm trying to create example
vicious-gold•12mo ago
Wow awesome
correct-apricot•12mo ago
CodeSandbox brings instant cloud development environments that keep you in flow.
correct-apricot•12mo ago
we talked yesterday. our pagination.mode:"client" works as expected but not work with filters. because still we don't have filters.mode ="client" but you want to handle pagination and filters together with this example I completly disabled refine pagination and filters feature. TanStack table pretty good at client side filtering and sorting I set mode off and replaced refine functions with TanStack Table Functions
const {
refineCore: {
tableQueryResult: { data: tableData },
} = useTable({
manualPagination: false,
getPaginationRowModel: getPaginationRowModel(),
refineCoreProps: {
pagination: {
mode: "off",
filters: {
mode: "off",
const {
refineCore: {
tableQueryResult: { data: tableData },
} = useTable({
manualPagination: false,
getPaginationRowModel: getPaginationRowModel(),
refineCoreProps: {
pagination: {
mode: "off",
filters: {
mode: "off",
and I give this functions and states to Pagination component
page={table.getState().pagination.pageIndex + 1}
onChange={(number) => {
setPageIndex(number - 1);
page={table.getState().pagination.pageIndex + 1}
onChange={(number) => {
setPageIndex(number - 1);
rest of code is same It seems most of functionalty works right now but from now you need to use TanStack table to improve this Table And we will talk again this confusion(boilerplate code or lack of feature) with our core team I hope in refine@5 we will seamlessly implement client side filter & pagination & sorting like server
vicious-gold•12mo ago
Ok many thanks!