community health

For anyone else struggling with getting an input component to save a number using Antd, you have to use <InputNumber>. <Input /> and <Input type='number' /> so NOT work. I probably should have known this but it would have been great if anyone one from the community could have helped me out with this. I am sure this is common knowledge for most but I spent 2 hours trying to find a solution to this.
24 Replies
kapa.ai12mo ago
Hi @Omer. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave:
Omer12mo ago
Hey, please don't send the same questions through different channels. This way, we can make the refine Community support channels more accessible for everyone.
kapa.ai12mo ago
Sorry @Omer, I seem to be having a bit of trouble. Don't worry though, I've pinged my supprt and they will try to fix me up! :technologist: Perhaps try again in 15mins?
modern-teal12mo ago
Thank you for responding, it's great to finally get community feedback. I have been posting to this server for over a week and this is the first community feedback that I've gotten. Where is the best place to post questions to the community?
Omer12mo ago
Unfortunately, there's no single answer to this. As far as I can see, you're new to Refine and have quite a few questions, which is very natural. Often, reviewing documents and examples can be a good starting point. We can't offer any SLA for community support as this is entirely a volunteer service. We try to help everyone as much as possible here, but it's not feasible to respond to dozens of messages per day. If you're working on a critical project, you can get priority support with Refine's Enterprise package
modern-teal12mo ago
Yes I am new to refine and this is my first CRUD admin project. I totally understand that no one person or even a team of people can respond to every question. That is why every good open source project needs a strong community to support it. And that is also why when I have found solutions to my question I have posted what I have found. To help anyone else looking for the same answers. I love contributing when I can and I have developed a dataProvider for tRPC for refine. Do you have a boilerplate test repo that I could run it through before I share it with the community?
Omer12mo ago
Thank you very much for your understanding and contributions! You can review the tests of the 'simple-rest data provider' here: In the data-provider packages, we mock HTTP requests for testing using the nock ( library
modern-teal12mo ago
Do you have a codeSandbox template setup that I could clone and update?
modern-teal12mo ago
@Omer on codeSandbox there are lost of templates. Is there one that the community officially supports and updates?
Omer12mo ago
for example or data-provider?
modern-teal12mo ago
Both, I want to setup some examples for new feature requests and release a new dataProvider. 😁
Omer12mo ago
You can use the following commands: For simple-rest: npx degit refine-trpc For example: npm create refine-app@latest -- --example base-antd
modern-teal12mo ago
Thank you FYI when cloning simple-rest I get this error installing dep.
Omer12mo ago
Do you have an idea? @Batu @aliemirs
conscious-sapphire12mo ago
Checking RN Hey @silentnyte, can you remove @refinedev/cli from package.json's devDependencies and try again? I. think the version of react causing this one, I'll check in more details.
modern-teal12mo ago
That gets me past the dep warnings but then I get all these build errors. I also tried npx degit refine-inferencer. This one install fine but will also not build be cause it is missing references to the parent repo.
conscious-sapphire12mo ago
For inferencer, its better to fork refine repo as a whole since its dependent on many other packages in the monorepo. Cant see the errors in the screenshot
modern-teal12mo ago
That is odd. I wonder why it is blank? Try this one.
conscious-sapphire12mo ago
Gonna send you a dataprovider starter, Im on it.
modern-teal12mo ago
Scratch that last message. It is not the correct error message. Here is the error message that I get with simple-rest
conscious-sapphire12mo ago
You can use this as a starter for DataProvider
conscious-sapphire12mo ago
I'll publish it under a git repo tomorrow, but for now, I think this should do the work.
modern-teal12mo ago
Thank you
foreign-sapphire6mo ago
Thanks Batu, did you publish the package?