conventional-tan11mo ago

Refine custom action resource

I have created a resource module like const leads = { name: Modules.LEADS, list: List, create: Create, edit: Edit, show: Show, archive: Archive, meta: { icon: <Filter9PlusIcon />, }, }; and when i console archive page ,it is not recognizing as lead resource, useResource hook ,inside lead create edit and show return resource, but in archive return undefiend.
12 Replies
kapa.ai11mo ago
Hi @MarcoNix. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- The useResource hook in refine is designed to infer the current resource from the route based on your resource definitions. However, in your resource definition, you have defined list, create, edit, and show actions, but there's no route defined for the archive action. This could be why useResource is returning undefined in the archive page. In refine, the standard actions that have routes are list, create, edit, and show. If you want to add a custom action like archive, you would need to handle the routing and resource inference manually. Unfortunately, the provided extracts do not contain specific information on how to handle custom actions and their routing in refine. For more detailed guidance, you may want to refer to the official refine documentation or community resources. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai11mo ago
<@942824607818317905> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
conventional-tan11mo ago how can i manualy do that
kapa.ai11mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- To manually handle routing and resource inference for a custom action like archive, you would need to extend your resource definitions and handle the routing in your application. Here's a general idea of how you could approach this: 1. Extend your resource definitions: Add a route for your archive action in your resource definitions. For example:
const leads = {
name: Modules.LEADS,
list: List,
create: Create,
edit: Edit,
show: Show,
archive: "/leads/archive", // Add this line
meta: {
icon: <Filter9PlusIcon />,
const leads = {
name: Modules.LEADS,
list: List,
create: Create,
edit: Edit,
show: Show,
archive: "/leads/archive", // Add this line
meta: {
icon: <Filter9PlusIcon />,
2. Handle the routing: You would need to set up a route for your archive action in your application's routing configuration. This would depend on the routing library you're using (e.g., React Router, Next.js, etc.). Here's an example using React Router:
<Route path="/leads/archive" element={<Archive />} />
<Route path="/leads/archive" element={<Archive />} />
3. Manually specify the resource: Since useResource won't be able to infer the resource from the route for your custom action, you would need to manually specify the resource in your Archive component. You can do this by passing the resource prop to your hooks and components. Please note that this is a general guide and might need adjustments based on your specific use case and application setup. The provided extracts do not contain specific information on handling custom actions in refine, so for more detailed guidance, you may want to refer to the official refine documentation or community resources. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai11mo ago
<@942824607818317905> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
conventional-tan11mo ago
@contributor anyone who can help me? i have done like this but the useResource hook inside the archive retunr undefined
kapa.ai11mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The useResource hook in Refine is designed to infer the current resource from the route based on your resource definitions. If it's returning undefined, it's likely because it's unable to match the current route with any of the resources you've defined. In your case, you've added a custom archive action to your resource. However, the useResource hook might not be able to infer the resource from this custom route. One workaround could be to manually specify the resource when you're using hooks or components in your Archive component. For example, if you're using the useList hook in your Archive component, you could do something like this:
const { data, refetch } = useList({ resource: "leads" });
const { data, refetch } = useList({ resource: "leads" });
In this example, we're manually passing the resource prop to the useList hook. However, please note that this is a general guide and might need adjustments based on your specific use case and application setup. The provided extracts do not contain specific information on handling custom actions in Refine, so for more detailed guidance, you may want to refer to the official refine documentation or community resources. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai11mo ago
<@942824607818317905> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
like-gold10mo ago
Hey @MarcoNix, As suggested by there is not key for archive in resources but if you want the archieve url for your resource you can create a new resource with the archive name as:
// rest of your options
name: modules.LEADS,
list: List,
show: Show,
edit: Edit,
create: Create,
meta: {
icon: <Filter9PlusIcon />,
name: modules.LEADS_ARCHIVE,
list: List, // => this is where you can have your list page for archive for leads
meta: {
icon: <YourIconForArchive />,
// if you don't want to show this menu in your navbar
hide: true,
// rest of your options
name: modules.LEADS,
list: List,
show: Show,
edit: Edit,
create: Create,
meta: {
icon: <Filter9PlusIcon />,
name: modules.LEADS_ARCHIVE,
list: List, // => this is where you can have your list page for archive for leads
meta: {
icon: <YourIconForArchive />,
// if you don't want to show this menu in your navbar
hide: true,
If you have hidden your menu in your navbar and only want to navigate from your leads resource list page you can have a actions menu for leads archive list page as: Note: I am using antd as an example reference here. You can use whatever UI framework you are using.
// leads/list.tsx

const LeadsList = () => {
return (
// rest of your table columns
render={() => (
// leads/list.tsx

const LeadsList = () => {
return (
// rest of your table columns
render={() => (
kapa.ai10mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Yes, you can create a separate resource for your archive action and hide it from the navbar. Here's how you can do it: 1. Define a new resource for the archive action:
// rest of your options
name: Modules.LEADS,
list: List,
show: Show,
edit: Edit,
create: Create,
meta: {
icon: <Filter9PlusIcon />,
name: Modules.LEADS_ARCHIVE,
list: Archive, // this is where you can have your list page for archive for leads
meta: {
icon: <YourIconForArchive />,
// if you don't want to show this menu in your navbar
hide: true,
// rest of your options
name: Modules.LEADS,
list: List,
show: Show,
edit: Edit,
create: Create,
meta: {
icon: <Filter9PlusIcon />,
name: Modules.LEADS_ARCHIVE,
list: Archive, // this is where you can have your list page for archive for leads
meta: {
icon: <YourIconForArchive />,
// if you don't want to show this menu in your navbar
hide: true,
In this example, we're creating a new resource for the archive action and hiding it from the navbar. 2. Navigate to the archive page from the leads list page: You can add a button in your leads list page to navigate to the archive page. Here's how you can do it using the ListButton component:
// leads/list.tsx

const LeadsList = () => {
return (
// rest of your table columns
render={() => (
// leads/list.tsx

const LeadsList = () => {
return (
// rest of your table columns
render={() => (
In this example, we're adding a ListButton that navigates to the archive page when clicked. Please note that this is a general guide and might need adjustments based on your specific use case and application setup. The provided extracts do not contain specific information on handling custom actions in Refine, so for more detailed guidance, you may want to refer to the official refine documentation or community resources. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai10mo ago
<@494653850632978472> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
like-gold10mo ago
But I think this feature can be useful on adding a custom route navigation except list, create, edit and show. What other @contributor Think about it. Can this be a new feature in refine?