ratty-blush14mo ago

Customize CRUD Tables header

how can i customize the headers of the CRUD Tables? (vite, MUI, Rest API)
9 Replies
kapa.ai14mo ago
Hi @sarsar55.. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- You can customize the headers of the CRUD tables in your refine application by using the headerProps property. This property allows you to customize the header of the <Create/> component. Here is an example of how you can use it:
import { Create } from "@refinedev/mui";

const PostCreate: React.FC = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(true);

return (
sx: {
backgroundColor: "lightsteelblue",
<span>Rest of your page here</span>
import { Create } from "@refinedev/mui";

const PostCreate: React.FC = () => {
const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(true);

return (
sx: {
backgroundColor: "lightsteelblue",
<span>Rest of your page here</span>
In this example, the headerProps property is used to change the background color of the header to lightsteelblue. For more information, you can refer to the CardHeader documentation from Material UI (https://mui.com/material-ui/api/card-header/). Source: Refine Documentation (https://refine.dev/docs/ui-integrations/material-ui/components/basic-views/create#headerprops) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai14mo ago
<@791625518440120320> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
ratty-blushOP14mo ago
I meant just changing the name of the columns basically @kapa.ai I meant just changing the name of the columns basically Envoyer un message dans "Customize CRUD Tables header"
kapa.ai14mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- You can customize the names of the columns in your CRUD tables by using the title prop in the <Table.Column /> component. The title prop sets the column header. Here's an example:
<Table.Column dataIndex="id" title="ID" />
<Table.Column dataIndex="name" title="Name" />
<Table.Column dataIndex="id" title="ID" />
<Table.Column dataIndex="name" title="Name" />
In this example, the title prop is used to set the column headers to "ID" and "Name" respectively. You can replace "ID" and "Name" with any string you want to use as the column header. Sources: - Refine Blog (https://refine.dev/blog/refine-pixels-5#refine-ant-design-tablecolumn--children) - Refine Blog (https://refine.dev/blog/react-crud-app-with-dynamic-form-ant-design#building-the-list-page) - Refine Documentation (https://refine.dev/docs/ui-integrations/ant-design/hooks/use-editable-table#editing-with-buttons) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai14mo ago
<@791625518440120320> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
ratty-blushOP14mo ago
@kapa.ai I am using the MUIInferencer and the default returns something like: users.fields.Username I want to update the columns names of the inferenced columns with some more normal names
kapa.ai14mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The MuiInferencer component in Refine is a powerful tool that automatically generates views for your resources. However, it doesn't provide a complete solution and is primarily meant to save you some time during development. It's not expected to produce production-ready code. If the MuiInferencer doesn't generate the column names as you want, you should manually create those components. You can use the generated code as a starting point and modify it as needed. Here's an example of how you can customize the column names:
<Table.Column dataIndex="users.fields.Username" title="Username" />
<Table.Column dataIndex="users.fields.Username" title="Username" />
In this example, the title prop is used to set the column header to "Username". Remember, the Inferencer is a development tool and it's not guaranteed to generate code that works perfectly for your specific needs. It's always a good idea to review and modify the generated code as needed. Sources: - Discord Support Thread (https://discord.com/channels/837692625737613362/1183789260407591065) - Refine Documentation (https://refine.dev/docs/ui-integrations/material-ui/introduction#inferencer) ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai14mo ago
<@791625518440120320> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
ratty-blush14mo ago
Hey @sarsar55., Inferencer components will not allow you to update the headers but they are only recommended for creating starter codes for your components, you can just copy the generated code and make customizations on them. Then the answers made by the bot will work 🙏

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