How to use props?

PointList receives points as props. How do I change the points data to be used in useDataGrid, useExport, useForm?
export default function PointList({ points }: any) {
type PointDetail = IPointDetailItem[] | ''

const [pointDetail, setPointDetail] = useState<PointDetail>('')
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false)
const [startValue, setStartValue] = React.useState<Dayjs | null>(null)
const [endValue, setEndValue] = React.useState<Dayjs | null>(null)

const handleClose = () => setOpen(false)

const handleOpen = (pointDetail: PointDetail) => {

const { dataGridProps, search, filters } = useDataGrid<BaseRecord, HttpError, IPointsFilterVariables>({
pagination: {
mode: 'server', // Client 기준 페이지네이션
initialPageSize: 10,
onSearch: (params) => {
const filters: CrudFilters = []
const { q, points } = params

field: 'q',
operator: 'eq',
value: q !== '' ? q : undefined,

field: 'points',
operator: 'eq',
value: q !== '' ? q : undefined,

return filters

const { triggerExport, isLoading: exportLoading } = useExport<IPointValues>({
pageSize: 50,
maxItemCount: 50,
mapData: (item) => {
return {
주문번호: item.order_no,
주문일: item.order_date,

const { register, handleSubmit, control, reset } = useForm<BaseRecord, HttpError, IPointsFilterVariables>({
defaultValues: {
q: getDefaultFilter('q', filters, 'eq'),
points: getDefaultFilter('points', filters, 'eq'),

getServerSideProps to get points
const points = pointResponse.json()
return {
props: {
export default function PointList({ points }: any) {
type PointDetail = IPointDetailItem[] | ''

const [pointDetail, setPointDetail] = useState<PointDetail>('')
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false)
const [startValue, setStartValue] = React.useState<Dayjs | null>(null)
const [endValue, setEndValue] = React.useState<Dayjs | null>(null)

const handleClose = () => setOpen(false)

const handleOpen = (pointDetail: PointDetail) => {

const { dataGridProps, search, filters } = useDataGrid<BaseRecord, HttpError, IPointsFilterVariables>({
pagination: {
mode: 'server', // Client 기준 페이지네이션
initialPageSize: 10,
onSearch: (params) => {
const filters: CrudFilters = []
const { q, points } = params

field: 'q',
operator: 'eq',
value: q !== '' ? q : undefined,

field: 'points',
operator: 'eq',
value: q !== '' ? q : undefined,

return filters

const { triggerExport, isLoading: exportLoading } = useExport<IPointValues>({
pageSize: 50,
maxItemCount: 50,
mapData: (item) => {
return {
주문번호: item.order_no,
주문일: item.order_date,

const { register, handleSubmit, control, reset } = useForm<BaseRecord, HttpError, IPointsFilterVariables>({
defaultValues: {
q: getDefaultFilter('q', filters, 'eq'),
points: getDefaultFilter('points', filters, 'eq'),

getServerSideProps to get points
const points = pointResponse.json()
return {
props: {
20 Replies
kapa.ai9mo ago
Hi @florent. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- Based on the provided extracts, it seems like you want to use the points prop in your useDataGrid, useExport, and useForm hooks. However, the extracts do not provide specific examples of using props in these hooks. Generally, in React, you can use props in your hooks by simply referencing the prop variable. For example, if you have a prop named points, you can use it in your hooks like this:
const { dataGridProps, search, filters } = useDataGrid<BaseRecord, HttpError, IPointsFilterVariables>({
// use points prop here
const { dataGridProps, search, filters } = useDataGrid<BaseRecord, HttpError, IPointsFilterVariables>({
// use points prop here
However, the specific usage would depend on the requirements of the hooks and the structure of the points data. For more specific guidance on using these hooks, you can refer to the refine documentation: - useDataGrid ( - useExport ( - useForm ( Please note that the provided code and links are based on the general usage of hooks and props in React, and may not directly apply to your specific use case. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai9mo ago
<@1184365192482652173> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
conscious-sapphire9mo ago Why this message? Error: MUI: The data grid component requires all rows to have a unique id property. Alternatively, you can use the getRowId prop to specify a custom id for each row. A row was provided without id in the rows prop: "<"
kapa.ai9mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The error message you're seeing is related to the Material UI DataGrid component. This component requires each row to have a unique id property. This is necessary for the DataGrid to correctly identify and render each row. If your data does not have a unique id field, you can use the getRowId prop to specify a custom id for each row. The getRowId function should return a unique value for each row. Here's an example of how you might use the getRowId prop:
getRowId={(row) => row.myUniqueId}
getRowId={(row) => row.myUniqueId}
In this example, myUniqueId should be replaced with the name of the property in your data that is unique for each row. Please ensure that the data you're passing to the DataGrid component meets these requirements. If you're still having trouble, you might find it helpful to review the DataGrid component documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai9mo ago
<@1184365192482652173> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
conscious-sapphire9mo ago I think this problem is code:
getRowId={(row) =>}
pageSizeOptions={[10, 20, 50, 100]}
'& .MuiDataGrid-row': {
cursor: 'pointer',
getRowId={(row) =>}
pageSizeOptions={[10, 20, 50, 100]}
'& .MuiDataGrid-row': {
cursor: 'pointer',
kapa.ai9mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The code you've provided seems to be using the getRowId prop correctly, assuming that each row in your data has a unique id property. The getRowId function is correctly set to return the id of each row. If you're still seeing the error message "MUI: The data grid component requires all rows to have a unique id property", it suggests that at least one row in your data does not have an id property, or there are duplicate id values in your data. You should check your data to ensure that each row has a unique id. If your data is coming from an external source, you may need to preprocess it to add or ensure uniqueness of the id property. If you're certain that your data does have unique id properties and you're still seeing the error, there may be an issue elsewhere in your code. Without more context, it's difficult to provide a more specific solution. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai9mo ago
<@1184365192482652173> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
conscious-sapphire9mo ago The data provided is as follows: [ { id: 1, order_no: '20231117-0006644', order_date: '2013-11-17 00:00:00', payment_date: '2013-11-17 22:22:00', order_status: 'Preparing for delivery', member_name: ‘Hong Gil-dong’, member_email: '2095925131@k', member_point: '5200', order_total_price: '29900', order_total_payment: '30000', order_point: '3090', order_edit_point: '', order_point_type: 'OP01001', order_name: 'Dust-free bentonite original 6.3kg', order_term: ‘2nd round’, point_detail: [] }, { id: 2, order_no: '20231117-006640', order_date: '2013-11-18 00:00:00', payment_date: '2013-11-18 12:55:00', order_status: 'Cancellation complete', member_name: ‘Kim Gil-dong’, member_email: '12333@k', member_point: '145200', order_total_price: '40900', order_total_payment: '38900', order_point: '38900', order_edit_point: '38900', order_point_type: 'OP01003', order_name: ‘Dust-free bentonite original 6.3kg and 1 item’, order_term: ‘1st round’, point_detail: [ [Object] ] } ]
kapa.ai9mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The data you've provided seems to be an array of objects, where each object represents a row of data with various properties such as id, order_no, order_date, etc. If you're trying to display this data using the Material UI DataGrid component, you can do so by passing this data array to the rows prop of the DataGrid component. Here's an example:
getRowId={(row) =>}
pageSizeOptions={[10, 20, 50, 100]}
'& .MuiDataGrid-row': {
cursor: 'pointer',
getRowId={(row) =>}
pageSizeOptions={[10, 20, 50, 100]}
'& .MuiDataGrid-row': {
cursor: 'pointer',
In this example, yourDataArray should be replaced with the variable that holds your data array. The columns prop should be an array that defines the columns of your table. Each column definition is an object that includes a field property (which should match the property name in your data) and a headerName property (which defines the label for the column header). Here's an example of how you might define your columns:
const columns = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID' },
{ field: 'order_no', headerName: 'Order No.' },
// Add more column definitions here...
const columns = [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID' },
{ field: 'order_no', headerName: 'Order No.' },
// Add more column definitions here...
Please note that the DataGrid component requires each row to have a unique id property. In your data, this requirement seems to be met. If your data did not have a unique id property, you could use the getRowId prop to specify a custom id for each row. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai9mo ago
<@1184365192482652173> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
conscious-sapphire9mo ago yes, I change columns data
const columns = React.useMemo<GridColDef<IPointValues>[]>(
() => [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID' },
field: 'order_no',
flex: 1,
headerName: '주문번호',
minWidth: 150,
field: 'order_and_payment_date',
flex: 1,
headerName: '주문일 (결제일)',
minWidth: 200,
renderCell: function render({ row }) {
const orderDate = row.order_date
const paymentDate = row.payment_date
return (
<br />
const columns = React.useMemo<GridColDef<IPointValues>[]>(
() => [
{ field: 'id', headerName: 'ID' },
field: 'order_no',
flex: 1,
headerName: '주문번호',
minWidth: 150,
field: 'order_and_payment_date',
flex: 1,
headerName: '주문일 (결제일)',
minWidth: 200,
renderCell: function render({ row }) {
const orderDate = row.order_date
const paymentDate = row.payment_date
return (
<br />
But, other error message "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')"
kapa.ai9mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The error message "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')" typically occurs when you're trying to access the length property of an object that is undefined. In the context of your code, this error might occur if row.order_date or row.payment_date is undefined. You can add checks to ensure that these properties exist before trying to render them. Here's an example of how you might do this:
field: 'order_and_payment_date',
flex: 1,
headerName: '주문일 (결제일)',
minWidth: 200,
renderCell: function render({ row }) {
const orderDate = row.order_date
const paymentDate = row.payment_date
if (orderDate && paymentDate) {
return (
<br />
} else {
return null;
field: 'order_and_payment_date',
flex: 1,
headerName: '주문일 (결제일)',
minWidth: 200,
renderCell: function render({ row }) {
const orderDate = row.order_date
const paymentDate = row.payment_date
if (orderDate && paymentDate) {
return (
<br />
} else {
return null;
In this example, the renderCell function checks if orderDate and paymentDate exist before trying to render them. If either of these properties is undefined, the function returns null and nothing is rendered for that cell. Please note that this is a general solution based on the error message and the provided code. If this doesn't solve your issue, there might be a problem elsewhere in your code. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai9mo ago
<@1184365192482652173> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
conscious-sapphire9mo ago useDataGrid how can I use ssr data points?
useDataGrid | Refine
By using useDataGrid, you can get properties that are compatible with MUI X component. All features such as sorting, filtering, and pagination come out of the box. Under the hood it uses useList for the fetch.
kapa.ai9mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The useDataGrid hook in Refine is used to get properties that are compatible with the MUI X DataGrid component. It provides out-of-the-box features such as sorting, filtering, and pagination. To use server-side rendered (SSR) data with useDataGrid, you would typically fetch the data in your server-side code and pass it to your component as a prop. Then, you can use this prop as the rows data for your DataGrid component. However, based on the provided extracts, there's no specific example of using SSR data with useDataGrid. The usage of useDataGrid in the context of SSR would largely depend on how you're implementing SSR in your application. Here's a general example of how you might use useDataGrid:
import { useDataGrid } from "@refinedev/mui";
import { DataGrid, GridColDef } from "@mui/x-data-grid";

const Table: React.FC = ({ points }) => {
const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid({
// use points prop here

const columns: GridColDef[] = [
{ field: "id", headerName: "ID" },
{ field: "name", headerName: "Name" },
{ field: "Age", headerName: "Age" },

return <DataGrid {...dataGridProps} columns={columns} autoHeight />;

export default Table;
import { useDataGrid } from "@refinedev/mui";
import { DataGrid, GridColDef } from "@mui/x-data-grid";

const Table: React.FC = ({ points }) => {
const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid({
// use points prop here

const columns: GridColDef[] = [
{ field: "id", headerName: "ID" },
{ field: "name", headerName: "Name" },
{ field: "Age", headerName: "Age" },

return <DataGrid {...dataGridProps} columns={columns} autoHeight />;

export default Table;
In this example, points is a prop that contains the SSR data. You would need to replace the comment // use points prop here with the appropriate code to use the points data with useDataGrid. For more specific guidance on using useDataGrid, you can refer to the useDataGrid documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai9mo ago
<@1184365192482652173> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
conscious-sapphire9mo ago is that?
export default function PointList({ points }: any) {
type PointDetail = IPointDetailItem[] | ''
const [pointDetail, setPointDetail] = useState<PointDetail>('')
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false)
const [startValue, setStartValue] = React.useState<Dayjs | null>(null)
const [endValue, setEndValue] = React.useState<Dayjs | null>(null)
const handleClose = () => setOpen(false)

const handleOpen = (pointDetail: PointDetail) => {
const dataGridProps = useDataGrid({points});
export default function PointList({ points }: any) {
type PointDetail = IPointDetailItem[] | ''
const [pointDetail, setPointDetail] = useState<PointDetail>('')
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false)
const [startValue, setStartValue] = React.useState<Dayjs | null>(null)
const [endValue, setEndValue] = React.useState<Dayjs | null>(null)
const handleClose = () => setOpen(false)

const handleOpen = (pointDetail: PointDetail) => {
const dataGridProps = useDataGrid({points});
kapa.ai9mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The code you've provided seems to be using the useDataGrid hook with the points prop. However, the useDataGrid hook doesn't directly accept data as an argument based on the provided extracts. Instead, it returns properties that can be used with the MUI X DataGrid component. Here's a general example of how you might use useDataGrid:
import { useDataGrid } from "@refinedev/mui";
import { DataGrid, GridColDef } from "@mui/x-data-grid";

const Table: React.FC = ({ points }) => {
const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid();
const columns: GridColDef[] = [
{ field: "id", headerName: "ID" },
{ field: "name", headerName: "Name" },
{ field: "Age", headerName: "Age" },

return <DataGrid {...dataGridProps} rows={points} columns={columns} autoHeight />;

export default Table;
import { useDataGrid } from "@refinedev/mui";
import { DataGrid, GridColDef } from "@mui/x-data-grid";

const Table: React.FC = ({ points }) => {
const { dataGridProps } = useDataGrid();
const columns: GridColDef[] = [
{ field: "id", headerName: "ID" },
{ field: "name", headerName: "Name" },
{ field: "Age", headerName: "Age" },

return <DataGrid {...dataGridProps} rows={points} columns={columns} autoHeight />;

export default Table;
In this example, points is a prop that contains your data. The DataGrid component uses this data as the rows prop. The columns prop should be an array that defines the columns of your table. For more specific guidance on using useDataGrid, you can refer to the useDataGrid documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai9mo ago
<@1184365192482652173> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below