correct-apricot12mo ago

how to access the record's attributes in edit with antd?

how to access the record's attributes in edit with antd?
8 Replies
kapa.ai12mo ago
Hi @yasuaki_jp. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- In Refine, when you want to edit a record, you can use the <Edit> component. This component reads the id information from the route by default. However, when it cannot be read from the URL, which happens when it's used on a custom page, modal, or drawer, recordItemId is used. Here is an example of how to use the <Edit> component in a modal:
import { Edit, useModalForm } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Modal, Button } from "antd";

const PostEdit: React.FC = () => {
const { modalProps, id, show } = useModalForm({
action: "edit",

return (
<Button onClick={() => show()}>Edit Button</Button>
<Modal {...modalProps}>
<Edit recordItemId={id}>
<p>Rest of your page here</p>
import { Edit, useModalForm } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Modal, Button } from "antd";

const PostEdit: React.FC = () => {
const { modalProps, id, show } = useModalForm({
action: "edit",

return (
<Button onClick={() => show()}>Edit Button</Button>
<Modal {...modalProps}>
<Edit recordItemId={id}>
<p>Rest of your page here</p>
In this example, useModalForm is used to create a modal form for editing. The id returned by useModalForm is passed to the recordItemId prop of the <Edit> component. This id is used to fetch the record data for editing. You can find more details in the Refine documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai12mo ago
<@449197041306828802> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
correct-apricotOP12mo ago
for example when you are in blog's edit page, you want access blog's record attribute like "category" when you are in blog's edit page, you want access blog's record attribute like "category"
kapa.ai12mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- To access a blog's record attribute like "category" in the edit page, you can use the useForm and useSelect hooks provided by Refine. Here is an example from the extracted information:
import { useSelect } from "@refinedev/core";
import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form";
import React, { useEffect } from "react";

export const PostEdit: React.FC = () => {
const {
refineCore: { onFinish, formLoading, queryResult },
formState: { errors },
} = useForm();

const { options } = useSelect({
resource: "category",
defaultValue: queryResult?.data?.data?.category?.id,
optionLabel: "name",
optionValue: "id",

useEffect(() => {
}, [options, resetField]);

const handleSubmitHandler = (data: any) => {
onFinish({, category: [data.category] });

// Rest of your component here
import { useSelect } from "@refinedev/core";
import { useForm } from "@refinedev/react-hook-form";
import React, { useEffect } from "react";

export const PostEdit: React.FC = () => {
const {
refineCore: { onFinish, formLoading, queryResult },
formState: { errors },
} = useForm();

const { options } = useSelect({
resource: "category",
defaultValue: queryResult?.data?.data?.category?.id,
optionLabel: "name",
optionValue: "id",

useEffect(() => {
}, [options, resetField]);

const handleSubmitHandler = (data: any) => {
onFinish({, category: [data.category] });

// Rest of your component here
In this example, useForm is used to handle form operations, and useSelect is used to fetch the category options. The queryResult object from useForm contains the data of the record being edited. You can access the category of the blog post with queryResult?.data?.data?.category?.id. You can find more details in the Refine documentation ( and Refine documentation for useSelect ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai12mo ago
<@449197041306828802> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
correct-apricotOP12mo ago
how to type def for queryResult? how to type def for queryResult?
kapa.ai12mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The queryResult is typically typed using the QueryObserverResult type from the react-query library. The QueryObserverResult type takes two type parameters: the type of the data returned by the query and the type of any error that might occur. Here's an example of how you might type queryResult:
import { QueryObserverResult } from 'react-query';

interface MyData {
// Define the shape of your data here

type MyError = Error; // Or a custom error type

const queryResult: QueryObserverResult<MyData, MyError> = useQuery(...);
import { QueryObserverResult } from 'react-query';

interface MyData {
// Define the shape of your data here

type MyError = Error; // Or a custom error type

const queryResult: QueryObserverResult<MyData, MyError> = useQuery(...);
In this example, MyData would be replaced with the actual shape of the data you're expecting from your query, and MyError would be replaced with the type of any error that might occur. You can find more details in the React Query documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai12mo ago
<@449197041306828802> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below

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