rare-sapphire8mo ago

Can I use Ant Design and Tailwind together at Refine?

Hi there, I am new to the frontend technologies so I am sorry for asking this question. But when I search called "full stack frontend framework", I find Refine. Also I want to create admin dashboard and data analytics dashboard together. In this case, Tremor is good solution for this case. Because Tremor chart is very good solution for my case. (Instead of creating components to first time) But also I like to use AntDesign in Refine because it is easy to use. When I read this article and I try this but I can't see dashboards like this and also can't implement Ant Design code with Tailwind https://refine.dev/blog/building-react-admin-dashboard-with-tremor/#step-2--create-the-dashboard-component I am currently using next.js with Typescript. (It is easy for me to compare with Vite because I can easily adapt for this framework) So I need a help for this structure. What is your advice in this case?
Building a React Admin Dashboard with Tremor Library | Refine
We'll build a simple React admin dashboard using Refine and Tremor.
3 Replies
kapa.ai8mo ago
Hi @emincanoguz. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- Based on the extracts provided, there isn't specific information about using Ant Design and Tailwind CSS together within a Refine project. However, Refine is known for its flexibility and integration capabilities with various UI libraries and design systems. Refine is a React-based framework that is designed to be UI agnostic, meaning it can integrate seamlessly with different UI frameworks and custom designs, including Ant Design as mentioned in the extracts. This flexibility is one of Refine's core benefits, allowing for easy integration with UI frameworks such as Material UI and Ant Design (source (https://refine.dev/blog/react-crud-app-with-dynamic-form-ant-design#what-is-refine)). While the extracts do not specifically mention Tailwind CSS, Refine's UI agnostic nature suggests that it could potentially be used alongside any CSS framework, including Tailwind CSS. However, integrating Ant Design (which has its own set of styles and components) with Tailwind CSS (a utility-first CSS framework) in the same project might require careful management of styles to avoid conflicts and ensure consistency across your application. For building dashboards and data analytics dashboards, as you mentioned, using Tremor alongside Refine could be a good solution. Tremor is highlighted as a promising framework for building dashboards and can be used with most React frameworks like Next.js, which you are currently using (source (https://refine.dev/blog/building-react-admin-dashboard-with-tremor#conclusion)). Given your situation, here are a few suggestions: - Explore Refine's Documentation: For specific guidance on integrating Ant Design and possibly Tailwind CSS with Refine, the Refine documentation (https://refine.dev/docs/) would be the best place to start. It might offer more detailed instructions or examples on managing styles and integrating UI libraries. - Community and Support: If the documentation doesn't cover your case, consider reaching out to the Refine community or support channels. They might offer insights or examples from others who have integrated Ant Design and Tailwind CSS with Refine. - Experiment and Modularize: When integrating two different styling solutions, consider modularizing your styles to minimize conflicts. For instance, you could use Ant Design for component styles and Tailwind CSS for layout and spacing, keeping their usage well-defined within your project. Unfortunately, without specific extracts or examples about integrating Ant Design with Tailwind CSS in a Refine project, this advice is based on the general capabilities and flexibility of Refine as described in the provided extracts. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@606103483699036181> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
rare-sapphire8mo ago
I try vite and tremor together but webpage is not responding for this case