infinite scroll for large data

hi how I can handle larg data with infinite scrolling without lagging ?
41 Replies
kapa.ai8mo ago
Hi @the_grateful. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- Refine provides a hook called useInfiniteList that is ideal for handling large data sets with infinite scrolling. This hook is an extended version of TanStack Query's useInfiniteQuery and is used for retrieving items from a resource with pagination, sort, and filter configurations. It's perfect for lists where the total number of records is unknown and the user loads the next pages with a button. Here is a basic example of how to use the useInfiniteList hook:
import React from "react";
import { useInfiniteList } from "@refinedev/core";

const PostList = () => {
const { data, isError, isLoading, hasNextPage, fetchNextPage, isFetchingNextPage } = useInfiniteList({
resource: "categories",
pagination: {
pageSize: 4,

if (isLoading) {
return <p>Loading</p>;
if (isError) {
return <p>Something went wrong</p>;

const allPages = [].concat(...(data?.pages ?? []).map((page) =>;

return (
{{ id, title }) => (
<li key={id}>
{hasNextPage && (
<button onClick={() => fetchNextPage()} disabled={isFetchingNextPage}>
{isFetchingNextPage ? "Loading more..." : "Load More"}
import React from "react";
import { useInfiniteList } from "@refinedev/core";

const PostList = () => {
const { data, isError, isLoading, hasNextPage, fetchNextPage, isFetchingNextPage } = useInfiniteList({
resource: "categories",
pagination: {
pageSize: 4,

if (isLoading) {
return <p>Loading</p>;
if (isError) {
return <p>Something went wrong</p>;

const allPages = [].concat(...(data?.pages ?? []).map((page) =>;

return (
{{ id, title }) => (
<li key={id}>
{hasNextPage && (
<button onClick={() => fetchNextPage()} disabled={isFetchingNextPage}>
{isFetchingNextPage ? "Loading more..." : "Load More"}
In this example, the useInfiniteList hook is used to fetch data from the "categories" resource. The pagination property is set to fetch 4 items at a time. The fetchNextPage function is used to load the next set of items when the "Load More" button is clicked. You can also override the getNextPageParam method to customize the way the next page is fetched. This can be useful if your API doesn't use a cursor object for pagination.
import { useInfiniteList } from "@refinedev/core";

const { data, error, hasNextPage, isLoading, fetchNextPage, isFetchingNextPage } = useInfiniteList({
resource: "posts",
queryOptions: {
// When you override this method, you can access the `lastPage` and `allPages`.
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, allPages) => {
// return the last post's id
const { data } = lastPage;
const lastPost = data[data.length - 1];
import { useInfiniteList } from "@refinedev/core";

const { data, error, hasNextPage, isLoading, fetchNextPage, isFetchingNextPage } = useInfiniteList({
resource: "posts",
queryOptions: {
// When you override this method, you can access the `lastPage` and `allPages`.
getNextPageParam: (lastPage, allPages) => {
// return the last post's id
const { data } = lastPage;
const lastPost = data[data.length - 1];
In this example, the getNextPageParam method is overridden to return the ID of the last post, which is used to fetch the next page of posts. For more details, you can check the useInfiniteList documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago
I use this:
const {
tableQueryResult: {data, isLoading, isError, isFetching, isRefetching, refetch }
} = useTable();

const {
tableQueryResult: {data, isLoading, isError, isFetching, isRefetching, refetch }
} = useTable();

what should I change ?
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- To implement infinite scrolling, you should replace the useTable hook with the useInfiniteList hook. Here's how you can modify your code:
import { useInfiniteList } from "@refinedev/core";

const {
} = useInfiniteList({
resource: "yourResourceName", // replace with your resource name
pagination: {
pageSize: 10, // replace with your desired page size
import { useInfiniteList } from "@refinedev/core";

const {
} = useInfiniteList({
resource: "yourResourceName", // replace with your resource name
pagination: {
pageSize: 10, // replace with your desired page size
In this code: - data is an object that contains the fetched data. - isError is a boolean that indicates if there was an error during fetching. - isLoading is a boolean that indicates if the data is currently loading. - hasNextPage is a boolean that indicates if there are more pages to load. - fetchNextPage is a function that you can call to load the next page. - isFetchingNextPage is a boolean that indicates if the next page is currently being fetched. You can use these values to control the rendering of your list and the "Load More" button. For example, you can disable the "Load More" button while isFetchingNextPage is true to prevent the user from triggering multiple fetches at the same time. Please replace "yourResourceName" and pageSize with your actual resource name and desired page size. For more details, you can check the useInfiniteList documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago how I can refetch ?
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- To refetch data in Refine, you can use the refetch function provided by the data-related hooks. In your case, since you're using the useInfiniteList hook, you can use its refetch function. Here's how you can do it:
const {
refetch, // This is the refetch function
} = useInfiniteList({
resource: "yourResourceName", // replace with your resource name
pagination: {
pageSize: 10, // replace with your desired page size
const {
refetch, // This is the refetch function
} = useInfiniteList({
resource: "yourResourceName", // replace with your resource name
pagination: {
pageSize: 10, // replace with your desired page size
You can call refetch() whenever you want to refetch the data. For example, you might want to refetch the data when the user clicks a "Refresh" button:
<button onClick={refetch}>Refresh</button>
<button onClick={refetch}>Refresh</button>
This will trigger a refetch of the data from your resource. For more information, you can refer to the Refine documentation on refetching data ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago do I have also isFetching isRefetching ?
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Yes, the useInfiniteList hook returns a queryResult object that includes isFetching and isRefetching properties. You can access these properties as follows:
const { queryResult } = useInfiniteList({
resource: "yourResourceName",
pagination: {
pageSize: 10,

const { data, isLoading, isFetching, isRefetching } = queryResult;
const { queryResult } = useInfiniteList({
resource: "yourResourceName",
pagination: {
pageSize: 10,

const { data, isLoading, isFetching, isRefetching } = queryResult;
In this code: - isFetching is a boolean that indicates if a fetch (either initial or refetch) is in progress. - isRefetching is a boolean that indicates if a refetch is in progress. You can use these properties to control the rendering of your components based on the fetching status. For more information, you can refer to the Refine GitHub issue on differentiating between refetch and normal query ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago what in case I dont want to add the resource and I want it to be automaticly ?
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- If you want to add a resource automatically without manually adding it to the resources prop in the Refine component, you can use the Refine CLI's add resource command. This command creates CRUD components for the selected actions and puts them on the specified path. Here's how you can use it:
npm run refine add resource yourResourceName
npm run refine add resource yourResourceName
Replace yourResourceName with the name of the resource you want to add. This command will generate the necessary files and code for the resource, including the CRUD pages (Create, Read, Update, Delete) and the necessary routes. However, please note that even with this command, you still need to add the resource to the resources prop in the Refine component to connect the CRUD pages with the API endpoints. For more information, you can refer to the Refine CLI documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago but using useInfiniteList will load the page with button and I dont want this I want better solotion
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- If you want to implement infinite scrolling without a "Load More" button, you can use a scroll event listener to automatically load more data when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page. Here's an example of how you can do this:
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { useInfiniteList } from "@refinedev/core";

const PostList = () => {
const {
} = useInfiniteList({
resource: "categories",
pagination: {
pageSize: 4,

const observer = useRef();
const lastPostElementRef = useCallback(
(node) => {
if (isLoading) return;
if (observer.current) observer.current.disconnect();
observer.current = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
if (entries[0].isIntersecting && hasNextPage) {
if (node) observer.current.observe(node);
[isLoading, hasNextPage]

if (isLoading) {
return <p>Loading</p>;
if (isError) {
return <p>Something went wrong</p>;

const allPages = [].concat(...(data?.pages ?? []).map((page) =>;

return (
{{ id, title }, index) => (
<li key={id} ref={index === allPages.length - 1 ? lastPostElementRef : null}>
{isFetchingNextPage && <p>Loading more...</p>}
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { useInfiniteList } from "@refinedev/core";

const PostList = () => {
const {
} = useInfiniteList({
resource: "categories",
pagination: {
pageSize: 4,

const observer = useRef();
const lastPostElementRef = useCallback(
(node) => {
if (isLoading) return;
if (observer.current) observer.current.disconnect();
observer.current = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
if (entries[0].isIntersecting && hasNextPage) {
if (node) observer.current.observe(node);
[isLoading, hasNextPage]

if (isLoading) {
return <p>Loading</p>;
if (isError) {
return <p>Something went wrong</p>;

const allPages = [].concat(...(data?.pages ?? []).map((page) =>;

return (
{{ id, title }, index) => (
<li key={id} ref={index === allPages.length - 1 ? lastPostElementRef : null}>
{isFetchingNextPage && <p>Loading more...</p>}
In this example, an Intersection Observer is used to detect when the last element in the list comes into view. When this happens, the fetchNextPage function is called to load the next page of data. This creates an infinite scrolling effect. Please replace "categories" and pageSize with your actual resource name and desired page size. For more details, you can check the useInfiniteList documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
fascinating-indigo8mo ago whu I got this error in refine recources after adding the ? useInfiniteList
TS2322: Type '() => string' is not assignable to type 'ComponentType<IResourceComponentsProps<any, any, ILogData>> | undefined'.
Type '() => string' is not assignable to type 'FunctionComponent<IResourceComponentsProps<any, any, ILogData>>'.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'ReactElement<any, any>'.
TS2322: Type '() => string' is not assignable to type 'ComponentType<IResourceComponentsProps<any, any, ILogData>> | undefined'.
Type '() => string' is not assignable to type 'FunctionComponent<IResourceComponentsProps<any, any, ILogData>>'.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'ReactElement<any, any>'.
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The error message you're seeing is a TypeScript error. It's saying that a function you're using is expected to return a ReactElement, but it's actually returning a string. The useInfiniteList hook doesn't return a function that returns a string. It returns an object with properties like data, isLoading, isError, hasNextPage, fetchNextPage, and isFetchingNextPage. If you're trying to render a component based on the data returned from useInfiniteList, make sure that your component returns a ReactElement (JSX), not a string. Here's a correct usage of useInfiniteList:
import React from "react";
import { useInfiniteList } from "@refinedev/core";

const PostList = () => {
const { data, isError, isLoading, hasNextPage, fetchNextPage, isFetchingNextPage } = useInfiniteList({
resource: "categories",
pagination: {
pageSize: 4,

if (isLoading) {
return <p>Loading</p>;
if (isError) {
return <p>Something went wrong</p>;

const allPages = [].concat(...(data?.pages ?? []).map((page) =>;

return (
{{ id, title }) => (
<li key={id}>
{hasNextPage && (
<button onClick={() => fetchNextPage()} disabled={isFetchingNextPage}>
{isFetchingNextPage ? "Loading more..." : "Load More"}
import React from "react";
import { useInfiniteList } from "@refinedev/core";

const PostList = () => {
const { data, isError, isLoading, hasNextPage, fetchNextPage, isFetchingNextPage } = useInfiniteList({
resource: "categories",
pagination: {
pageSize: 4,

if (isLoading) {
return <p>Loading</p>;
if (isError) {
return <p>Something went wrong</p>;

const allPages = [].concat(...(data?.pages ?? []).map((page) =>;

return (
{{ id, title }) => (
<li key={id}>
{hasNextPage && (
<button onClick={() => fetchNextPage()} disabled={isFetchingNextPage}>
{isFetchingNextPage ? "Loading more..." : "Load More"}
In this example, each part of the component returns JSX (ReactElement), not a string. If you're still having trouble, please provide more context or the part of the code where you're using useInfiniteList, so I can give a more accurate answer. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago
import { useDelete, useLogout, useTable, useInfiniteList, HttpError } from '@pankod/refine-core'
const {
} = useInfiniteList<any,HttpError>({
resource: "Products",
pagination: { pageSize: 4, },
import { useDelete, useLogout, useTable, useInfiniteList, HttpError } from '@pankod/refine-core'
const {
} = useInfiniteList<any,HttpError>({
resource: "Products",
pagination: { pageSize: 4, },
why I get this erro ?
TS2345: Argument of type '{ resource: string; pagination: { pageSize: number; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'UseInfiniteListProps<any, HttpError>'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'pagination' does not exist in type 'UseInfiniteListProps<any, HttpError>'.
TS2345: Argument of type '{ resource: string; pagination: { pageSize: number; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'UseInfiniteListProps<any, HttpError>'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'pagination' does not exist in type 'UseInfiniteListProps<any, HttpError>'. @Omer @Alican Erdurmaz can you help please ?
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The error message is indicating that the pagination property is not recognized in the useInfiniteList hook. This is because the useInfiniteList hook does not accept a pagination property in its options. The useInfiniteList hook in Refine is used for retrieving items from a resource with sort and filter configurations. It does not directly support pagination configuration. Here's how you can use the useInfiniteList hook:
const {{
}} = useInfiniteList<any, HttpError>({{
resource: "Products",
const {{
}} = useInfiniteList<any, HttpError>({{
resource: "Products",
In this code, the resource property is set to "Products", which is the name of the resource you want to fetch data from. The fetchNextPage function is used to load the next set of items. If you want to control the number of items fetched per page, you would need to handle that on the server-side API that your resource is connected to. For more details, you can check the useInfiniteList documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago
in this case I will get all the data one time and will take long time to load
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The useInfiniteList hook in Refine is designed to fetch data in pages, not all at once. It fetches the first page of data initially, and then you can fetch each subsequent page manually by calling the fetchNextPage function. This allows you to implement infinite scrolling, where each page of data is fetched as the user scrolls down. However, the number of items per page (i.e., the page size) is typically controlled by your server-side API. When you call fetchNextPage, Refine will make a request to your API to fetch the next page of data. The API should return the appropriate page of data based on the page number and page size. If fetching a page of data is taking a long time, you might need to optimize your API or reduce the page size. If your API supports it, you could also implement server-side filtering, sorting, or searching to reduce the amount of data that needs to be fetched. Here's an example of how you can use useInfiniteList:
const {{
}} = useInfiniteList<any, HttpError>({{
resource: "Products",

// ...

{hasNextPage && (
<button onClick={{() => fetchNextPage()}} disabled={{isFetchingNextPage}}>
{{isFetchingNextPage ? "Loading more..." : "Load More"}}
const {{
}} = useInfiniteList<any, HttpError>({{
resource: "Products",

// ...

{hasNextPage && (
<button onClick={{() => fetchNextPage()}} disabled={{isFetchingNextPage}}>
{{isFetchingNextPage ? "Loading more..." : "Load More"}}
In this code, the "Load More" button calls fetchNextPage when clicked, fetching the next page of data from the "Products" resource. The button is disabled while the next page is being fetched. For more details, you can check the useInfiniteList documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago may the reason is the list is not a string ?
name: "Customers",
list: Customers,
show: CustomerDetails,
create: CreateCustomer,
edit: EditCustomer,
icon: <Person/>,
name: "Customers",
list: Customers,
show: CustomerDetails,
create: CreateCustomer,
edit: EditCustomer,
icon: <Person/>,
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The list property in the resource object should be a React component that is used to render the list page of the resource. It's not supposed to be a string. In your code, Customers should be a React component. If you're seeing an error related to this, it might be because Customers is not a valid React component. Here's an example of how you can define a list component:
import React from "react";
import { useTable } from "@pankod/refine-core";

const Customers = () => {
const { tableProps } = useTable();

// Render your table using tableProps
// ...

return <YourTableComponent {...tableProps} />;

// Then, in your resources array:

name: "Customers",
list: Customers,
show: CustomerDetails,
create: CreateCustomer,
edit: EditCustomer,
icon: <Person/>,
import React from "react";
import { useTable } from "@pankod/refine-core";

const Customers = () => {
const { tableProps } = useTable();

// Render your table using tableProps
// ...

return <YourTableComponent {...tableProps} />;

// Then, in your resources array:

name: "Customers",
list: Customers,
show: CustomerDetails,
create: CreateCustomer,
edit: EditCustomer,
icon: <Person/>,
In this example, Customers is a React component that uses the useTable hook to fetch data and render a table. If you're still having trouble, please provide more context or the full error message, so I can give a more accurate answer. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago is there another solotion that give me same result of useInfiniteList ?
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Yes, you can achieve similar results to useInfiniteList by using the useList hook in combination with a scroll event listener. The useList hook fetches a page of data, and you can fetch the next page when the user scrolls to the bottom of the list. Here's an example:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useList } from "@pankod/refine-core";

const PostList = () => {
const [page, setPage] = useState(1);
const { data, isLoading, isError } = useList({
resource: "posts",
pagination: { current: page, pageSize: 10 },

useEffect(() => {
const handleScroll = () => {
if (
window.innerHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop !==
setPage((prevPage) => prevPage + 1);
window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
}, []);

if (isLoading) {
return <p>Loading</p>;
if (isError) {
return <p>Something went wrong</p>;

return (
{data?{ id, title }) => (
<li key={id}>
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useList } from "@pankod/refine-core";

const PostList = () => {
const [page, setPage] = useState(1);
const { data, isLoading, isError } = useList({
resource: "posts",
pagination: { current: page, pageSize: 10 },

useEffect(() => {
const handleScroll = () => {
if (
window.innerHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop !==
setPage((prevPage) => prevPage + 1);
window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
}, []);

if (isLoading) {
return <p>Loading</p>;
if (isError) {
return <p>Something went wrong</p>;

return (
{data?{ id, title }) => (
<li key={id}>
In this example, the useList hook is used to fetch a page of data from the "posts" resource. The page state variable is used to keep track of the current page, and it's incremented when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page, triggering a fetch of the next page. Please replace "posts" and pageSize with your actual resource name and desired page size. For more details, you can check the useList documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago
can I do the same with useTable ?
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Yes, you can achieve similar results with the useTable hook. The useTable hook fetches a page of data, and you can fetch the next page when the user scrolls to the bottom of the list. Here's an example:
import React, {{ useEffect, useState }} from "react";
import {{ useTable }} from "@pankod/refine-core";

const PostList = () => {{
const [page, setPage] = useState(1);
const {{ tableProps, data, isLoading, isError }} = useTable({{
resource: "posts",
pagination: {{ current: page, pageSize: 10 }},

useEffect(() => {{
const handleScroll = () => {{
if (
window.innerHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop !==
setPage((prevPage) => prevPage + 1);
window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
}}, []);

if (isLoading) {{
return <p>Loading</p>;
if (isError) {{
return <p>Something went wrong</p>;

// Render your table using tableProps
// ...

return <YourTableComponent {{...tableProps}} />;
import React, {{ useEffect, useState }} from "react";
import {{ useTable }} from "@pankod/refine-core";

const PostList = () => {{
const [page, setPage] = useState(1);
const {{ tableProps, data, isLoading, isError }} = useTable({{
resource: "posts",
pagination: {{ current: page, pageSize: 10 }},

useEffect(() => {{
const handleScroll = () => {{
if (
window.innerHeight + document.documentElement.scrollTop !==
setPage((prevPage) => prevPage + 1);
window.addEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
return () => window.removeEventListener("scroll", handleScroll);
}}, []);

if (isLoading) {{
return <p>Loading</p>;
if (isError) {{
return <p>Something went wrong</p>;

// Render your table using tableProps
// ...

return <YourTableComponent {{...tableProps}} />;
In this example, the useTable hook is used to fetch a page of data from the "posts" resource. The page state variable is used to keep track of the current page, and it's incremented when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page, triggering a fetch of the next page. Please replace "posts", pageSize, and YourTableComponent with your actual resource name, desired page size, and table component. For more details, you can check the useTable documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago even in useTable I get error in pagination error:
No overload matches this call.
Overload 1 of 2, '(props?: ({ resource?: string | undefined; initialCurrent?: number | undefined; initialPageSize?: number | undefined; initialSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; permanentSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; ... 7 more ...; dataProviderName?: string | undefined; } & SuccessErrorNotification & LiveModeProps & { ...; }) | undefined): useTableReturnType<...>', gave the following error.
Object literal may only specify known properties, but 'pagination' does not exist in type '{ resource?: string | undefined; initialCurrent?: number | undefined; initialPageSize?: number | undefined; initialSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; permanentSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; ... 7 more ...; dataProviderName?: string | undefined; } & SuccessErrorNotification & LiveModeProps & { ...; }'. Did you mean to write 'hasPagination'?
Overload 2 of 2, '(props?: ({ resource?: string | undefined; initialCurrent?: number | undefined; initialPageSize?: number | undefined; initialSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; permanentSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; ... 7 more ...; dataProviderName?: string | undefined; } & SuccessErrorNotification & LiveModeProps & { ...; }) | undefined): useTableNoPaginationReturnType<...>', gave the following error.
No overload matches this call.
Overload 1 of 2, '(props?: ({ resource?: string | undefined; initialCurrent?: number | undefined; initialPageSize?: number | undefined; initialSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; permanentSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; ... 7 more ...; dataProviderName?: string | undefined; } & SuccessErrorNotification & LiveModeProps & { ...; }) | undefined): useTableReturnType<...>', gave the following error.
Object literal may only specify known properties, but 'pagination' does not exist in type '{ resource?: string | undefined; initialCurrent?: number | undefined; initialPageSize?: number | undefined; initialSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; permanentSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; ... 7 more ...; dataProviderName?: string | undefined; } & SuccessErrorNotification & LiveModeProps & { ...; }'. Did you mean to write 'hasPagination'?
Overload 2 of 2, '(props?: ({ resource?: string | undefined; initialCurrent?: number | undefined; initialPageSize?: number | undefined; initialSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; permanentSorter?: CrudSorting | undefined; ... 7 more ...; dataProviderName?: string | undefined; } & SuccessErrorNotification & LiveModeProps & { ...; }) | undefined): useTableNoPaginationReturnType<...>', gave the following error.
kapa.ai8mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The error message you're seeing is due to the fact that the useTable hook does not accept a pagination property directly. Instead, it uses initialCurrent and initialPageSize properties to set the initial page and page size. However, as per the migration guide from 3.x.x to 4.x.x (, these properties have been deprecated and replaced by the pagination property in the newer versions of Refine. Here's how you can use the useTable hook with pagination:
const {
} = useTable({
resource: "posts",
initialCurrent: page,
initialPageSize: 10,
const {
} = useTable({
resource: "posts",
initialCurrent: page,
initialPageSize: 10,
In this example, the initialCurrent property is used to set the initial page, and the initialPageSize property is used to set the initial page size. If you're using a version of Refine that supports the pagination property (4.x.x or later), you can use it like this:
const {
} = useTable({
resource: "posts",
pagination: {
current: page,
pageSize: 10,
const {
} = useTable({
resource: "posts",
pagination: {
current: page,
pageSize: 10,
In this example, the pagination property is an object that contains current and pageSize properties to set the initial page and page size. Please replace "posts" and the page size with your actual resource name and desired page size. For more details, you can check the useTable documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@1075971582838714480> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
fascinating-indigo8mo ago
@Alican Erdurmaz @Omer if you can give me solotions for bothuseTable and useInfiniteList I appriciate it
conscious-sapphire8mo ago
Hello @the_grateful is now available for free at! To improve our community interaction on the Refine Discord server and keep our focus on Q&A sharing, we invite you to our website to use We have infinite scroll example on here: code: live app: -> Timeline section is your issue still persist? What's the issue now? There's been so much talk with the bot, Sorry, it's hard to follow for me
fascinating-indigo8mo ago
@Alican Erdurmaz in the example they use the hook from @refinedev/core I use it from @pankod/refine-core the error I get is because of pagination the error is:
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'pagination' does not exist in type 'UseInfiniteListProps<BaseRecord, HttpError>'.ts(2353)
(property) pagination: {
current: number;
pageSize: number;
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'pagination' does not exist in type 'UseInfiniteListProps<BaseRecord, HttpError>'.ts(2353)
(property) pagination: {
current: number;
pageSize: number;
conscious-sapphire8mo ago
you can give pagination like this: sorry for the confusion, for @pankod/refine-core u need to use doc 3xx