absent-sapphire•7mo ago

HandleSave mutate useUpdate & useOne

I want to update and use useOne in the same handleSave code. When I put useOne inside the handleSave it dont work. The code is:

const { mutate } = useUpdate<IProdutos, HttpError>();

const handleSave = async (value: any ) => { const { data } = useOne<IProdutos, HttpError>({ resource: "rqp-produtos", id: value.rqp_produto_id.id, }); const product = data?.data;
mutate({ resource: "rqp-produtos", id: value.rqp_produto_id.id, values: { stock: product?.stock , }, mutationMode: "optimistic", invalidates: [], successNotification: false, errorNotification: false, });

formProps.onFinish?.({ rqp_requisicao_id: value.rqp_requisicao_id, rqp_produto_id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
qnt: product?.stock, }); };
83 Replies
kapa.ai•7mo ago
Hi @Sly. I'm kapa.ai, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- The issue you're facing is due to the incorrect usage of the useOne hook. Hooks in React should be called at the top level of your React function, not inside a function or a callback. This is a rule of hooks in React. Here's how you can refactor your code:
const { mutate } = useUpdate<IProdutos, HttpError>();
const { data } = useOne<IProdutos, HttpError>({
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,

const product = data?.data;

const handleSave = async (value: any ) => {
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
values: {
stock: product?.stock ,
mutationMode: "optimistic",
invalidates: [],
successNotification: false,
errorNotification: false,

rqp_requisicao_id: value.rqp_requisicao_id,
rqp_produto_id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
qnt: product?.stock,
const { mutate } = useUpdate<IProdutos, HttpError>();
const { data } = useOne<IProdutos, HttpError>({
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,

const product = data?.data;

const handleSave = async (value: any ) => {
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
values: {
stock: product?.stock ,
mutationMode: "optimistic",
invalidates: [],
successNotification: false,
errorNotification: false,

rqp_requisicao_id: value.rqp_requisicao_id,
rqp_produto_id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
qnt: product?.stock,
In this refactored code, useOne is called at the top level of your function, not inside handleSave. This way, you're adhering to the rules of hooks and should not face any issues. For more information, you can refer to the documentation for useOne (https://refine.dev/docs/data/hooks/use-one) and useUpdate (https://refine.dev/docs/data/hooks/use-update). ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai•7mo ago
<@1172098337760096258> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
absent-sapphire•7mo ago
@kapa.ai its not recognising the "value": const { data } = useOne<IProdutos, HttpError>({ resource: "rqp-produtos", id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
kapa.ai•7mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The value object is not recognized because it's not in the scope where you're trying to use it. You're trying to use it in the useOne hook which is outside the handleSave function where value is defined. To solve this, you can use a state variable to store the id and update it whenever handleSave is called. Here's how you can do it:
const [id, setId] = useState<string | null>(null);
const { mutate } = useUpdate<IProdutos, HttpError>();
const { data } = useOne<IProdutos, HttpError>({
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: id,

const product = data?.data;

const handleSave = async (value: any ) => {
setId(value.rqp_produto_id.id); // update the id state variable

resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
values: {
stock: product?.stock ,
mutationMode: "optimistic",
invalidates: [],
successNotification: false,
errorNotification: false,

rqp_requisicao_id: value.rqp_requisicao_id,
rqp_produto_id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
qnt: product?.stock,
const [id, setId] = useState<string | null>(null);
const { mutate } = useUpdate<IProdutos, HttpError>();
const { data } = useOne<IProdutos, HttpError>({
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: id,

const product = data?.data;

const handleSave = async (value: any ) => {
setId(value.rqp_produto_id.id); // update the id state variable

resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
values: {
stock: product?.stock ,
mutationMode: "optimistic",
invalidates: [],
successNotification: false,
errorNotification: false,

rqp_requisicao_id: value.rqp_requisicao_id,
rqp_produto_id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
qnt: product?.stock,
In this refactored code, we're using a state variable id to store the id from value. We update this id state variable inside handleSave function. This way, the useOne hook will have access to the correct id value. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai•7mo ago
<@1172098337760096258> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
absent-sapphire•7mo ago
@kapa.ai stil having "id" error
kapa.ai•7mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- I see, it seems like the useOne hook is not re-rendering when the id state changes. This is because hooks in React are not reactive to changes in their dependencies like in some other frameworks. To solve this, you can use the useEffect hook to call useOne whenever the id changes. Here's how you can do it:
const [id, setId] = useState<string | null>(null);
const [product, setProduct] = useState<IProdutos | null>(null);
const { mutate } = useUpdate<IProdutos, HttpError>();

useEffect(() => {
if (id) {
const { data } = useOne<IProdutos, HttpError>({
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: id,

}, [id]);

const handleSave = async (value: any ) => {
setId(value.rqp_produto_id.id); // update the id state variable

resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
values: {
stock: product?.stock ,
mutationMode: "optimistic",
invalidates: [],
successNotification: false,
errorNotification: false,

rqp_requisicao_id: value.rqp_requisicao_id,
rqp_produto_id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
qnt: product?.stock,
const [id, setId] = useState<string | null>(null);
const [product, setProduct] = useState<IProdutos | null>(null);
const { mutate } = useUpdate<IProdutos, HttpError>();

useEffect(() => {
if (id) {
const { data } = useOne<IProdutos, HttpError>({
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: id,

}, [id]);

const handleSave = async (value: any ) => {
setId(value.rqp_produto_id.id); // update the id state variable

resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
values: {
stock: product?.stock ,
mutationMode: "optimistic",
invalidates: [],
successNotification: false,
errorNotification: false,

rqp_requisicao_id: value.rqp_requisicao_id,
rqp_produto_id: value.rqp_produto_id.id,
qnt: product?.stock,
In this refactored code, we're using a useEffect hook to call useOne whenever the id changes. We're also using a new state variable product to store the product data from useOne. This way, the useOne hook will be called with the correct id value whenever id changes. Please note that this is a workaround and might not be the most optimal solution. It would be best to restructure your code in a way that you don't need to call a hook inside a callback or a function. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai•7mo ago
<@1172098337760096258> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
absent-sapphire•7mo ago
@kapa.ai I get this error: Argument of type 'IProdutos | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'SetStateAction<IProdutos | null>'.
kapa.ai•7mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The error message is indicating that the data returned from useOne hook can be undefined, but the setProduct function is expecting either an IProdutos object or null. To fix this, you can provide a fallback value (null) when setting the state:
setProduct(data?.data || null);
setProduct(data?.data || null);
This way, if data?.data is undefined, null will be used as a fallback. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai•7mo ago
<@1172098337760096258> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
absent-sapphire•7mo ago
@kapa.ai Can I use useUpdate to show the current value before update?
kapa.ai•7mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Yes, you can use the useOne hook to fetch the current value of the record before updating it with useUpdate. Here's a basic example:
const { data } = useOne<IProdutos, HttpError>({
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: "your-id-here",

const { mutate } = useUpdate<IProdutos, HttpError>();

// data?.data will contain the current value of the record

const handleSave = async (value: any ) => {
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: "your-id-here",
values: {
// your updated values here
const { data } = useOne<IProdutos, HttpError>({
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: "your-id-here",

const { mutate } = useUpdate<IProdutos, HttpError>();

// data?.data will contain the current value of the record

const handleSave = async (value: any ) => {
resource: "rqp-produtos",
id: "your-id-here",
values: {
// your updated values here
In this example, useOne is used to fetch the current value of the record. You can then use mutate from useUpdate to update the record. Please replace "your-id-here" and // your updated values here with your actual id and updated values. For more information, you can refer to the documentation for useOne (https://refine.dev/docs/data/hooks/use-one) and useUpdate (https://refine.dev/docs/data/hooks/use-update). ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai•7mo ago
<@1172098337760096258> kapa.ai is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
absent-sapphire•7mo ago
@kapa.ai how to do this using formPros