afraid-scarlet10mo ago

How do I list items and open the modal from the edit page?

How do I list items and open the modal from the edit page?
14 Replies
kapa.ai10mo ago
Hi @daw. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- To list items and open a modal from the edit page, you can use the useTable and useModalForm hooks provided by Refine. Here's a step-by-step guide: 1. First, import the necessary hooks and components:
import { useTable, useModalForm } from "@refinedev/core";
import { Modal } from "@components";
import { useTable, useModalForm } from "@refinedev/core";
import { Modal } from "@components";
2. Use the useTable hook to fetch and manage your data:
const { tableQueryResult } = useTable<IPost>({
sorters: {
initial: [
field: "id",
order: "desc",
const { tableQueryResult } = useTable<IPost>({
sorters: {
initial: [
field: "id",
order: "desc",
3. Use the useModalForm hook to manage your modal form:
const {
formState: { errors },
refineCore: { onFinish, formLoading },
modal: { visible, close, show },
} = useModalForm<IPost, HttpError, IPost>({
refineCoreProps: { action: "edit" },
const {
formState: { errors },
refineCore: { onFinish, formLoading },
modal: { visible, close, show },
} = useModalForm<IPost, HttpError, IPost>({
refineCoreProps: { action: "edit" },
4. In your component's return statement, render a table with your data and an edit button for each row. The onClick event of the edit button should call the show function from useModalForm with the id of the item as an argument:
return (
{ => (
<tr key={}>
<button onClick={() => show(}>Edit</button>
return (
{ => (
<tr key={}>
<button onClick={() => show(}>Edit</button>
5. Also in your return statement, render a modal that opens when the visible state from useModalForm is true. The modal should contain a form with fields for each item property. The onSubmit event of the form should call the onFinish function from useModalForm:
<Modal isOpen={visible} onClose={close}>
<form className="form" onSubmit={handleSubmit(onFinish)}>
<div className="form-group">
<label>Title: </label>
{...register("title", {
required: "This field is required",
{errors.title && <span>{errors.title.message}</span>}
<div className="form-group">
<label>Status: </label>
<select {...register("status")}>
<option value="published">published</option>
<option value="draft">draft</option>
<option value="rejected">rejected</option>
<button type="submit" {...saveButtonProps}>
{formLoading ? "Loading" : "Save"}
<Modal isOpen={visible} onClose={close}>
<form className="form" onSubmit={handleSubmit(onFinish)}>
<div className="form-group">
<label>Title: </label>
{...register("title", {
required: "This field is required",
{errors.title && <span>{errors.title.message}</span>}
<div className="form-group">
<label>Status: </label>
<select {...register("status")}>
<option value="published">published</option>
<option value="draft">draft</option>
<option value="rejected">rejected</option>
<button type="submit" {...saveButtonProps}>
{formLoading ? "Loading" : "Save"}
For more information, you can refer to the Refine documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai10mo ago
<@243918634374660098> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
afraid-scarletOP10mo ago i am using antd with supabase no typescript, i want to utelise the usemodalform?
kapa.ai10mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Sure, you can use the useModalForm hook with Ant Design and Supabase. Here's a basic example of how you can use it: First, import the necessary hooks and components:
import { useModalForm } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Modal, Form, Input } from "antd";
import { useModalForm } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Modal, Form, Input } from "antd";
Then, use the useModalForm hook to manage your modal form:
const {
} = useModalForm({
resource: "posts",
action: "edit",
id: "1",
const {
} = useModalForm({
resource: "posts",
action: "edit",
id: "1",
In your component's return statement, render a modal that opens when the visible state from useModalForm is true. The modal should contain a form with fields for each item property:
return (
<Modal {...modalProps}>
<Form {...formProps}>
<Form.Item name="title" label="Title">
<Input />
<Form.Item name="content" label="Content">
<Input.TextArea />
<Button {...saveButtonProps}>Save</Button>
<Button {...cancelButtonProps}>Cancel</Button>
return (
<Modal {...modalProps}>
<Form {...formProps}>
<Form.Item name="title" label="Title">
<Input />
<Form.Item name="content" label="Content">
<Input.TextArea />
<Button {...saveButtonProps}>Save</Button>
<Button {...cancelButtonProps}>Cancel</Button>
This will create a modal with a form for editing a post. The useModalForm hook automatically handles the form submission and updates the post in your Supabase database. For more information, you can refer to the Refine documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai10mo ago
<@243918634374660098> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
afraid-scarletOP10mo ago is it best to keep the modalform on the edit page?
kapa.ai10mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- The decision to keep the ModalForm on the edit page depends on your application's requirements and user experience design. If you have a scenario where you want to provide a quick edit option without navigating the user to a different page, using a ModalForm on the same page can be a good choice. It provides a seamless user experience by allowing users to make quick edits without leaving the context of the current page. However, if your form is complex and requires more space or if you want to have a dedicated edit page for clarity, you might want to use a separate edit page instead. In Refine, both approaches are supported and you can choose based on your needs. You can refer to the Refine documentation ( for more details on how to use ModalForm. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai10mo ago
<@243918634374660098> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
afraid-scarletOP10mo ago do i need to create the "edit.tsx" page if i handle edits on the list page?
kapa.ai10mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- No, you don't necessarily need to create a separate edit.tsx page if you handle edits directly on the list page using a modal form. You can use the useModalForm hook directly in your list page to handle edits. When an edit button is clicked, you can open a modal with the form for editing. This way, all the editing can be done right on the list page, and there's no need for a separate edit.tsx page. Here's a basic example:
import { useTable, useModalForm } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Button, Modal, Form, Input } from "antd";

export default function PostList() {
const { tableProps } = useTable();

const {
} = useModalForm({
resource: "posts",
action: "edit",

return (
<Table {...tableProps} rowKey="id">
{/* Your table columns here */}
render={(text, record) => (
<Button onClick={() => modalProps.setVisible(true)}>
<Modal {...modalProps}>
<Form {...formProps}>
<Form.Item name="title" label="Title">
<Input />
{/* Other form items */}
<Button {...saveButtonProps}>Save</Button>
<Button {...cancelButtonProps}>Cancel</Button>
import { useTable, useModalForm } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Button, Modal, Form, Input } from "antd";

export default function PostList() {
const { tableProps } = useTable();

const {
} = useModalForm({
resource: "posts",
action: "edit",

return (
<Table {...tableProps} rowKey="id">
{/* Your table columns here */}
render={(text, record) => (
<Button onClick={() => modalProps.setVisible(true)}>
<Modal {...modalProps}>
<Form {...formProps}>
<Form.Item name="title" label="Title">
<Input />
{/* Other form items */}
<Button {...saveButtonProps}>Save</Button>
<Button {...cancelButtonProps}>Cancel</Button>
In this example, clicking the "Edit" button in the table opens a modal with a form for editing the post. The useModalForm hook automatically handles the form submission and updates the post in your database. For more information, you can refer to the Refine documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai10mo ago
<@243918634374660098> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
afraid-scarletOP10mo ago
import { EditButton, List, useModalForm, useTable } from "@refinedev/antd"; import { Form, Input, Modal, Space, Table } from "antd"; import React from "react"; import { Text } from "../../components/text/text"; const ContactList = () => { const { tableProps } = useTable({ resource: "contacts", pagination: { pageSize: 3 }, }); const { modalProps: editModalProps, formProps: editFormProps, show: editModalShow, } = useModalForm({ action: "edit", }); return ( <div> <List> <Table {...tableProps} rowKey={"id"}> <Table.Column dataIndex={"id"} title="ID" /> <Table.Column dataIndex={"first_name"} title="Name" /> <Table.Column dataIndex={"id"} title="Actions" render={(value) => ( <Space> <EditButton hideText size="small" recordItemId={value} onClick={() => editModalShow(value)} /> </Space> )} /> </Table> </List> <Modal {...editModalProps}> <Form {...editFormProps}> <Form.Item label="First Name" name={"first_name"}> <Input /> </Form.Item> </Form> </Modal> </div> ); }; export default ContactList; how can i seperate the modal from the list page in the edit.tsx page, i then want the modal to show upon the click of the edit button
kapa.ai10mo ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- To separate the modal from the list page and move it to a new edit.tsx page, you can follow these steps: 1. First, create a new edit.tsx file and move the modal related code to this file:
import { Form, Input, Modal } from "antd";
import { useModalForm } from "@refinedev/antd";
import React from "react";

const EditContact = ({ id }) => {
const {
modalProps: editModalProps,
formProps: editFormProps,
} = useModalForm({
action: "edit",
id: id,

return (
<Modal {...editModalProps}>
<Form {...editFormProps}>
<Form.Item label="First Name" name={"first_name"}>
<Input />

export default EditContact;
import { Form, Input, Modal } from "antd";
import { useModalForm } from "@refinedev/antd";
import React from "react";

const EditContact = ({ id }) => {
const {
modalProps: editModalProps,
formProps: editFormProps,
} = useModalForm({
action: "edit",
id: id,

return (
<Modal {...editModalProps}>
<Form {...editFormProps}>
<Form.Item label="First Name" name={"first_name"}>
<Input />

export default EditContact;
2. Then, in your ContactList component, import the EditContact component and use it in place of the modal. Pass the id of the contact to be edited as a prop to the EditContact component:
import { EditButton, List, useTable } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Table, Space } from "antd";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import EditContact from "./edit";

const ContactList = () => {
const { tableProps } = useTable({
resource: "contacts",
pagination: { pageSize: 3 },

const [editContactId, setEditContactId] = useState(null);
return (
<Table {...tableProps} rowKey={"id"}>
<Table.Column dataIndex={"id"} title="ID" />
<Table.Column dataIndex={"first_name"} title="Name" />
render={(value) => (
onClick={() => setEditContactId(value)}
{editContactId && <EditContact id={editContactId} />}

export default ContactList;
import { EditButton, List, useTable } from "@refinedev/antd";
import { Table, Space } from "antd";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import EditContact from "./edit";

const ContactList = () => {
const { tableProps } = useTable({
resource: "contacts",
pagination: { pageSize: 3 },

const [editContactId, setEditContactId] = useState(null);
return (
<Table {...tableProps} rowKey={"id"}>
<Table.Column dataIndex={"id"} title="ID" />
<Table.Column dataIndex={"first_name"} title="Name" />
render={(value) => (
onClick={() => setEditContactId(value)}
{editContactId && <EditContact id={editContactId} />}

export default ContactList;
In this example, clicking the "Edit" button in the table sets the editContactId state to the id of the contact to be edited, which triggers the rendering of the EditContact component. For more information, you can refer to the Refine documentation ( ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai10mo ago
<@243918634374660098> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below

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