genetic-orange•4mo ago

custom sidebar in #nextjs /refine

How to custom the sidebar inside nextjs version #nextjs
2 Replies•4mo ago
Hi @berdai labs. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- To customize the sidebar in a Next.js project using refine, you can follow these steps. The process involves creating a custom sidebar component and integrating it into your refine application. Step-by-Step Guide 1. Set Up Your Project: First, ensure you have a Next.js project set up with refine. If you haven't set it up yet, you can use the create refine-app command-line interface (CLI) to bootstrap a Next.js refine template:
npm create refine-app@latest refine-storefront

npm create refine-app@latest refine-storefront

2. Create a Custom Sidebar Component: Create a custom sidebar component. Here is an example of how you can create a custom sidebar component:
// CustomSider.tsx
import React from "react";
import { Layout, Sider } from "@refinedev/antd";

const CustomSider: React.FC = () => {
return (
render={({ items, logout }) => {
return (
<a href="<">👋> Navigation Link</a>

export default CustomSider;

// CustomSider.tsx
import React from "react";
import { Layout, Sider } from "@refinedev/antd";

const CustomSider: React.FC = () => {
return (
render={({ items, logout }) => {
return (
<a href="<">👋> Navigation Link</a>

export default CustomSider;

3. Integrate the Custom Sidebar into Your Application: Modify your main application file to use the custom sidebar component. Here is an example of how to do this:
// App.tsx
import React from "react";
import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
import { ThemedLayoutV2 } from "@refinedev/antd";
import CustomSider from "./CustomSider";

const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
// ...
<ThemedLayoutV2 Sider={() => <CustomSider />}>
{/* ... */}

export default App;

// App.tsx
import React from "react";
import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
import { ThemedLayoutV2 } from "@refinedev/antd";
import CustomSider from "./CustomSider";

const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
// ...
<ThemedLayoutV2 Sider={() => <CustomSider />}>
{/* ... */}

export default App;

Additional Customization - Using the render Prop: You can further customize the default ThemedSiderV2 component using the render prop. Here is an example:
import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
import { ThemedLayoutV2, ThemedSiderV2 } from "@refinedev/antd";

const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
// ...
Sider={() => (
render={({ items, logout, collapsed }) => {
return (
<div>My Custom Element</div>
{/* ... */}

export default App;

import { Refine } from "@refinedev/core";
import { ThemedLayoutV2, ThemedSiderV2 } from "@refinedev/antd";

const App: React.FC = () => {
return (
// ...
Sider={() => (
render={({ items, logout, collapsed }) => {
return (
<div>My Custom Element</div>
{/* ... */}

export default App;

- Using the swizzle Command: If you need more extensive customization, you can use the swizzle command to copy the default Sider component to your project and customize it as needed. Refer to the swizzle documentation ( for more information. References - Customizing the Sidebar with Ant Design ( - Example of Custom Sidebar ( By following these steps, you ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------•4mo ago
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