like-gold2w ago

Devtools login issue

Refine devtools forces me to log in via google or github. When doing so, it takes me to a new website with /login every time and keeps me in this loop.
14 Replies
kapa.ai2w ago
Hi @andrulonis. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- It seems like you are experiencing an issue with the Refine DevTools login, where it keeps redirecting you to the /login page in a loop. This issue has been reported by other users as well. Steps to Troubleshoot and Resolve 1. Check for Known Issues: - This issue has been reported in Github Issue #5988 ( where users experienced infinite redirects between the login and home paths. The issue was related to the authProvider implementation. 2. Review and Update authProvider: - Ensure that your authProvider is correctly implemented. Here is an example fix that was suggested in the issue:
import { AuthBindings } from "@refinedev/core";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";

function decodeJWTPayload (token: string) {
return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(token.split('.')[1], 'base64').toString());

export const authProviderServer: Pick<AuthBindings, "check"> = {
check: async () => {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const auth = cookieStore.get("token");
// Add your logic here

import { AuthBindings } from "@refinedev/core";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";

function decodeJWTPayload (token: string) {
return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(token.split('.')[1], 'base64').toString());

export const authProviderServer: Pick<AuthBindings, "check"> = {
check: async () => {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const auth = cookieStore.get("token");
// Add your logic here

3. Check Browser Compatibility: - There have been specific issues with Safari, as noted in Github Issue #5753 ( and Github Issue #6047 ( If you are using Safari, try switching to another browser like Chrome to see if the issue persists. 4. Disable DevTools Temporarily: - If the issue is blocking your development, you can temporarily disable the devtools server by using the following command:
npm run refine dev -- --devtools=false

npm run refine dev -- --devtools=false

- This was suggested in Github Issue #5211 ( 5. Check for Updates: - Ensure that you are using the latest versions of the Refine packages. Sometimes, issues are resolved in newer releases. If the problem persists after trying these steps, you might want to open a new issue on the Refine GitHub repository ( with detailed information about your setup and the problem you are facing. This will help the maintainers to provide a more specific solution. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai2w ago
<@162291962563526656> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
like-gold2w ago the issue does not fix it
kapa.ai2w ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- It seems like the issue with the Refine DevTools login loop is not resolved by the previous steps. Here are some additional steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue: Additional Troubleshooting Steps 1. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies: - Sometimes, stale cookies or cached data can cause login issues. Clear your browser's cache and cookies and try logging in again. 2. Check for Browser Extensions: - Browser extensions, especially those related to privacy and security, can interfere with login processes. Try disabling extensions temporarily to see if that resolves the issue. 3. Use Incognito/Private Mode: - Open an incognito or private browsing window and attempt to log in. This mode disables extensions and uses a fresh session, which can help identify if the issue is related to your current browser session. 4. Review Network Requests: - Use the browser's developer tools to inspect network requests during the login process. Look for any failed requests or errors that might provide more insight into what's going wrong. 5. Check for Console Errors: - Open the browser's developer console and look for any error messages that appear when you try to log in. These messages can provide clues about what might be causing the issue. 6. Contact Support: - If none of the above steps resolve the issue, consider reaching out to the Refine support team or opening a new issue on the Refine GitHub repository ( Provide detailed information about your setup, the steps you've taken, and any error messages you've encountered. Example Issue Report If you decide to open a new issue, you can use the following template to provide detailed information:
**Describe the bug**
I am experiencing an issue with the Refine DevTools login. When I attempt to log in via Google or GitHub, I am redirected to the `/login` page in a loop and cannot access the DevTools.

**Steps To Reproduce**
1. Open Refine DevTools.
2. Attempt to log in using Google or GitHub.
3. Observe the redirection loop to the `/login` page.

**Expected behavior**
I should be able to log in successfully and access the DevTools.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- OS: [e.g., macOS, Windows]
- Browser: [e.g., Chrome, Safari]
- Version: [e.g., 22]

**Additional Context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
**Describe the bug**
I am experiencing an issue with the Refine DevTools login. When I attempt to log in via Google or GitHub, I am redirected to the `/login` page in a loop and cannot access the DevTools.

**Steps To Reproduce**
1. Open Refine DevTools.
2. Attempt to log in using Google or GitHub.
3. Observe the redirection loop to the `/login` page.

**Expected behavior**
I should be able to log in successfully and access the DevTools.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- OS: [e.g., macOS, Windows]
- Browser: [e.g., Chrome, Safari]
- Version: [e.g., 22]

**Additional Context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
By providing detailed information, the maintainers can better understand the issue and work towards a resolution. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai2w ago
<@162291962563526656> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
like-gold2w ago i have used incognito mode as well
kapa.ai2w ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- Given that you've already tried using incognito mode and the issue persists, here are some additional steps and considerations to help resolve the login loop issue with Refine DevTools: Additional Steps to Resolve the Issue 1. Check for Known Issues and Updates: - Ensure you are using the latest versions of Refine packages. Sometimes, issues are resolved in newer releases. Check the Refine GitHub repository ( for any updates or similar issues. 2. Review and Update authProvider Implementation: - Ensure that your authProvider is correctly implemented. Here is an example fix that was suggested in a related issue:
import { AuthBindings } from "@refinedev/core";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";

function decodeJWTPayload(token: string) {
return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(token.split('.')[1], 'base64').toString());

export const authProviderServer: Pick<AuthBindings, "check"> = {
check: async () => {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const auth = cookieStore.get("token");
// Add your logic here

import { AuthBindings } from "@refinedev/core";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";

function decodeJWTPayload(token: string) {
return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(token.split('.')[1], 'base64').toString());

export const authProviderServer: Pick<AuthBindings, "check"> = {
check: async () => {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const auth = cookieStore.get("token");
// Add your logic here

3. Disable DevTools Temporarily: - If the issue is blocking your development, you can temporarily disable the devtools server by using the following command:
npm run refine dev -- --devtools=false

npm run refine dev -- --devtools=false

- This was suggested in Github Issue #5211 ( 4. Check for Console and Network Errors: - Use the browser's developer tools to inspect network requests and console errors during the login process. Look for any failed requests or errors that might provide more insight into what's going wrong. 5. Contact Support or Open a New Issue: - If none of the above steps resolve the issue, consider reaching out to the Refine support team or opening a new issue on the Refine GitHub repository ( Provide detailed information about your setup, the steps you've taken, and any error messages you've encountered. Example Issue Report If you decide to open a new issue, you can use the following template to provide detailed information:
**Describe the bug**
I am experiencing an issue with the Refine DevTools login. When I attempt to log in via Google or GitHub, I am redirected to the `/login` page in a loop and cannot access the DevTools.

**Steps To Reproduce**
1. Open Refine DevTools.
2. Attempt to log in using Google or GitHub.
3. Observe the redirection loop to the `/login` page.

**Expected behavior**
I should be able to log in successfully and access the DevTools.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- OS: [e.g., macOS, Windows]
- Browser: [e.g., Chrome, Safari]
- Version: [e.g., 22]

**Additional Context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
**Describe the bug**
I am experiencing an issue with the Refine DevTools login. When I attempt to log in via Google or GitHub, I am redirected to the `/login` page in a loop and cannot access the DevTools.

**Steps To Reproduce**
1. Open Refine DevTools.
2. Attempt to log in using Google or GitHub.
3. Observe the redirection loop to the `/login` page.

**Expected behavior**
I should be able to log in successfully and access the DevTools.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- OS: [e.g., macOS, Windows]
- Browser: [e.g., Chrome, Safari]
- Version: [e.g., 22]

**Additional Context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
By providing detailed information, the maintainers can better understand the issue and work towards a resolution. ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai2w ago
<@162291962563526656> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
correct-apricot2w ago
I get Invalid-session-token while logging with google and github just redirects me back to login back after logging in there I get Invalid-session-token while logging with google and github just redirects me back to login back after logging in there
kapa.ai2w ago
Let me check the knowledge base for you. One moment! :books: ---------------------- It seems like you are encountering an "Invalid-session-token" error when logging in with Google, and GitHub redirects you back to the login page after logging in. This issue has been reported by other users as well. Steps to Troubleshoot and Resolve 1. Check for Known Issues: - This issue has been reported in Github Issue #6047 ( and Github Issue #5753 ( The problem seems to be related to cookie handling in Safari and potentially other browsers. 2. Review and Update authProvider Implementation: - Ensure that your authProvider is correctly implemented. Here is an example fix that was suggested in a related issue:
import { AuthBindings } from "@refinedev/core";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";

function decodeJWTPayload(token: string) {
return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(token.split('.')[1], 'base64').toString());

export const authProviderServer: Pick<AuthBindings, "check"> = {
check: async () => {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const auth = cookieStore.get("token");
let expiryTimestamp = auth?.value ? decodeJWTPayload(auth.value).exp * 1000 : Infinity;
let isStoredTokenValid = - expiryTimestamp <= 0;

if (auth && isStoredTokenValid) {
return {
authenticated: true,
} else {
return {
authenticated: false,
redirectTo: "/login",

import { AuthBindings } from "@refinedev/core";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";

function decodeJWTPayload(token: string) {
return JSON.parse(Buffer.from(token.split('.')[1], 'base64').toString());

export const authProviderServer: Pick<AuthBindings, "check"> = {
check: async () => {
const cookieStore = cookies();
const auth = cookieStore.get("token");
let expiryTimestamp = auth?.value ? decodeJWTPayload(auth.value).exp * 1000 : Infinity;
let isStoredTokenValid = - expiryTimestamp <= 0;

if (auth && isStoredTokenValid) {
return {
authenticated: true,
} else {
return {
authenticated: false,
redirectTo: "/login",

3. Check Browser Compatibility: - There have been specific issues with Safari, as noted in Github Issue #5753 ( and Github Issue #6047 ( If you are using Safari, try switching to another browser like Chrome to see if the issue persists. 4. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies: - Sometimes, stale cookies or cached data can cause login issues. Clear your browser's cache and cookies and try logging in again. 5. Use Incognito/Private Mode: - Open an incognito or private browsing window and attempt to log in. This mode disables extensions and uses a fresh session, which can help identify if the issue is related to your current browser session. 6. Check for Console and Network Errors: - Use the browser's developer tools to inspect network requests and console errors during the login process. Look for any failed requests or errors that might provide more insight into what's going wrong. Example Issue Report If the problem persists after trying these steps, you might want to open a new issue on the Refine GitHub repository ( with detailed information about your setup and the problem you are facing. Here is a template you can use: ```markdown Describe the bug I am experiencing an "Invalid-session-token" error when logging in with Google, and GitHub redirects me back to the login page after logging in. Steps To Reproduce 1. Open Refine DevTools. 2. Attempt to log in using Google or GitHub. 3. Observe the "Invalid-session-token" error with Google and the redirection loop with GitHub. Expected behavior I should be able to log in successfully and access the DevTools. Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. **Desktop (please complete the following information ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai2w ago
<@442920359981875200> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
extended-salmon2w ago
did you find the solution for this? I am having the same problem
equal-jade2w ago
I am also having the same issue but in Opera Gx Browser
absent-sapphire2w ago
anyone found the solution for htat?