deep-jade8mo ago

Problem with MUI

The central content does not respect the sidebar and header, and this occurs without any consistent pattern. On some screens, the same screen behaves this way on one computer but not on another.
No description
4 Replies
kapa.ai8mo ago
Hi @Martola. I'm, your friendly support bot. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. :wave: ---------------------- It sounds like you are experiencing layout issues with the central content not respecting the sidebar and header in your MUI-based application. This could be related to the known issues with the MUI Data Grid and sidebar synchronization. Potential Issues and Solutions 1. Sidebar and Theme Synchronization Issue: There was a reported issue where the sidebar's color configuration was out of sync with the theme. This might be related to your problem if the layout is not updating correctly based on theme changes. Solution: Ensure that your theme settings are correctly applied and synchronized. Here is an example of how to set up the theme context:
import React, {
} from "react";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@pankod/refine-mui";
import { DarkTheme } from "@pankod/refine-mui";
import { createTheme } from "@mui/material";

const LightTheme = createTheme({
components: {
MuiAppBar: {
styleOverrides: {
colorDefault: {
backgroundColor: "#4f3cc9",
MuiTypography: {
styleOverrides: {
h5: {
fontWeight: 800,
lineHeight: "2rem",

type ColorModeContextType = {
mode: string;
setMode: () => void;

export const ColorModeContext = createContext<ColorModeContextType>(
{} as ColorModeContextType,
export const ColorModeContextProvider: React.FC<PropsWithChildren> = ({
}) => {
const colorModeFromLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem("colorMode");
const isSystemPreferenceDark = window?.matchMedia(
"(prefers-color-scheme: dark)",

const systemPreference = isSystemPreferenceDark ? "dark" : "light";
const [mode, setMode] = useState(
colorModeFromLocalStorage || systemPreference,

useEffect(() => {
window.localStorage.setItem("colorMode", mode);
}, [mode]);

return (
<ColorModeContext.Provider value={{ mode, setMode }}>
<ThemeProvider theme={mode === "dark" ? DarkTheme : LightTheme}>

import React, {
} from "react";
import { ThemeProvider } from "@pankod/refine-mui";
import { DarkTheme } from "@pankod/refine-mui";
import { createTheme } from "@mui/material";

const LightTheme = createTheme({
components: {
MuiAppBar: {
styleOverrides: {
colorDefault: {
backgroundColor: "#4f3cc9",
MuiTypography: {
styleOverrides: {
h5: {
fontWeight: 800,
lineHeight: "2rem",

type ColorModeContextType = {
mode: string;
setMode: () => void;

export const ColorModeContext = createContext<ColorModeContextType>(
{} as ColorModeContextType,
export const ColorModeContextProvider: React.FC<PropsWithChildren> = ({
}) => {
const colorModeFromLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem("colorMode");
const isSystemPreferenceDark = window?.matchMedia(
"(prefers-color-scheme: dark)",

const systemPreference = isSystemPreferenceDark ? "dark" : "light";
const [mode, setMode] = useState(
colorModeFromLocalStorage || systemPreference,

useEffect(() => {
window.localStorage.setItem("colorMode", mode);
}, [mode]);

return (
<ColorModeContext.Provider value={{ mode, setMode }}>
<ThemeProvider theme={mode === "dark" ? DarkTheme : LightTheme}>

Source: Github Issue #3365 ( 2. MUI Data Grid Scaling Issue: Another reported issue is that the MUI Data Grid does not horizontally scale properly when the browser window size is reduced. This could cause layout inconsistencies across different screens and devices. Solution: Ensure that you are using the latest versions of the relevant packages and consider implementing a workaround for the scaling issue. Here are the package versions that were reported: ```json "@mui/icons-material": "^5.8.3", "@mui/lab": "^5.0.0-alpha.85", "@mui/material": "^5.8.6", "@mui/x-data-grid": "^6.6.0", "@refinedev/cli": "^2.16.33", "@refinedev/core": "^4.51.0", "@refinedev/devtools": "^1.2.3", "@refinedev/kbar": "^1.3.12", "@refinedev/mui": "^5.17.0", "@refinedev ---------------------- Note: you can ask me a follow up question by @ mentioning me again :speech_balloon: ----------------------
kapa.ai8mo ago
<@434784410907443210> is still learning and improving, please let us know how it did by reacting below
deep-jadeOP8mo ago
The MUI <Outlet /> is not respecting the sider.
deep-jadeOP8mo ago
<BrowserRouter> <RefineKbarProvider> <ColorModeContextProvider> <CssBaseline /> <GlobalStyles styles={{ html: { WebkitFontSmoothing: "auto" } }} /> <RefineSnackbarProvider anchorOrigin={{ vertical: "top", horizontal: "right", }} > <Refine dataProvider={{ default: dataProvider(client), rest: dataProviderRest(), }} auditLogProvider={auditLogProvider} authProvider={authProvider} i18nProvider={i18nProvider} routerProvider={routerBindings} resources={resources} options={{ mutationMode: "undoable", undoableTimeout: 3000, syncWithLocation: true, warnWhenUnsavedChanges: true, }} > <Routes> <Route element={ <Authenticated key={"login"} fallback={<CatchAllNavigate to="/login" />} > <ThemedLayoutV2 Header={() => <Header sticky />} Title={({ collapsed }: { collapsed: boolean }) => ( <ThemedTitleV2 /> )} dashboard={true} initialSiderCollapsed={false} > <Outlet /> </ThemedLayoutV2> </Authenticated> } > .... </Routes> <RefineKbar /> <UnsavedChangesNotifier /> </Refine> </RefineSnackbarProvider> </ColorModeContextProvider> </RefineKbarProvider> </BrowserRouter>

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