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hi. when providing params to a route using react router v6 those get always overridden by the ones provided by refine like pageSize and current. how do i pass the params correctly so they are there additionally to the ones used by refine?

Actually everything was working only

Actually everything was working. only after the navigation on this line , pathname always kept coming up with / and putting the application into the loop


here is the page for reference: ``` import React, { useState } from "react"; import { Row,...


I am trying to add nested resources, List inside Show (for one-to-many) also have a create in list using drawerform, but drawer form is catching the context of show not the List

Props on Show Component

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation and good wishes! ❤️ The short answer for items 1 and 3 is that you have found the right approach. CRUD components are built to meet very simple UI requests. In case these components are not enough, we recommend using Ant Design's own components. Item 2 surprised me a bit. I checked again just to be sure, but the CRUD components don't use any data hooks. Could there be a mistake here? ...