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how do i send a fire and forget mutation

how do i send a fire and forget mutation simple rest api axios

useStepForm: display custom field error based on form submit to previous step

When we hit form submit, we get the list of field errors, we need to put the errors to previous step and go to step, that have the issue


if form submit has backend field errors, it is showing for current step but if back to previous step, error vanished

AuditLogProvider not being triggered?

Hi everyone, I'm trying to automate logging of user activity to mixpanel and stumbled upon AuditLogProvider. Let me know if there's a better solution for this use case by any chance. Anyway, I've tried to create an instance that simply logs to a console and assign it to Refine. It does not seem to be used at all for some reason, even though I don't see tutorials/examples using any extra code. Anyone seems anything wrong with this?...

filterDropdown change filter operator from eq to startswith or contains

By default applying the following filter for a table column in antd adding eq filter, id love to use other filter operator ```filterDropdown={(props) => ( <FilterDropdown {...props}> <Input {...props} placeholder="Search Question" />...

i want to create one more page to auth login

i want to create one more page to auth login

Cache busting list data on successful create or edit How can I implement cache busting list data on successful create or edit while using antd useTable and useDrawerForm?

Closing modal after save, gives warning that you are leaving the page.

I have a modal like this: ```js import { Form, Input, Modal } from "antd"; import { useModalForm } from "@refinedev/antd";...

Hi, I'm using useList in a page, how can force it to reload it ?

e.g. I'm using a put command to update some values in the backend and I want to refresh the page with updated data (that is not returned by the api call)

Environment setup and how to deploy

Hello, kindly help me understand if there is a specific IDE for Refine that I can use for development, collaboration and deployment or I should just use Vs code


How to get value from a radio group on edit page

How to make resource icons more flexible?

Hi there, I'm creating something like a CRM using Refine with Next.js and a Headless UI framework (I'm using Shadcn), so, I already have my resource items like this: ``` import { IResourceItem } from "@refinedev/core"; import { Building2, Home } from "lucide-react"; ...

Redirection only works in optimistic mode

I am using next js, ant ui, and supabase. The redirection after submission using the useForm hook only works in optimistic mutation mode, no error is given

onMutateSuccess in useForms hook not calling after successful create/edit call

I was trying to figure out why my redirects aren't working after submitting. After a bit of diving, i figured that even after a successful create/edit action, the onMutateSuccess hook doesn't actually gets called by the form, hence no redircting. However, the notification does show successful call. I wonder if anyone have experienced something like this before? btw I am using ANT ui , next, and supabase. best!...

is there a way to add a custom name in login default values or we need custom component

import { AuthPage } from "@refinedev/mui"; import { CustomLogo } from "./CustomLogo"; export const Login = () => { return (...

Dropdown with EditButton, ShowButton and DeleteButton

How to dispaly multiple buttons with <CanAccess> for each table row

Cannot update password using supabase auth

Here is my repo: I created it using the supabase default project for NextJS. Whenever I tried to reset the password, I get a reset link sent to my email, but whenever I go to that link it just takes me to the login page. I thought it was supposed to log me in and take me to an update password page. ...

how to extend Table.Column as different component

I want to extend some common column like, updated at, serial number etc

How can I check authorization in React Server Actions using NextJS?

I am using React Server Actions where I need to verify the identity of the currently authenticated user. How can I access this server side, since hooks are not available in React Server Actions and the Auth Provider seems to be client side?

create modal to show

Is there a way to use a modal only to show an element and not to edit?