nextjs client side only
I would like to use nextjs and refine, but only with the client side code (like in vite), since I won't really have access to a server later....
Local setup help needed for Contributing.
I clone the repo on local machine and install dependencies . and ru build command . nwo i want to pick issue and start working so what could be ideal steps to do so . and test solutions ?
redirect after login/auth check
i'm running into an issue where i am logged in, but the server is down. I get thrown to
which means i should get pushed to /user/edit/xxx after refresh or after relogin...
About Create New Project
when using about CLI for create new project and current version but when i choose select about framework not has only two chiose between Vite and NextJs but i just want only react refine how about it ? Thank for read
TData[] in getList rest data provider
how do i get the type in getList in the rest data provider
Type '<TData extends BaseRecord = BaseRecord>({ resource, pagination, filters, sorters, meta }: GetListParams) => Promise<{ data: BaseRecord[]; total: number; }>' is not assignable to type '<TData extends BaseRecord = BaseRecord>(params: GetListParams) => Promise<GetListResponse<TData>>'.
Type 'Promise<{ data: BaseRecord[]; total: number; }>' is not assignable to type 'Promise<GetListResponse<TData>>'.
Type '{ data: BaseRecord[]; total: number; }' is not assignable to type 'GetListResponse<TData>'....
auth0 error 401 unauthorized from backend
Im using auth0 for my authentication, im successfully login from auth0 and get the JWT token, but when i call API from backend im getting 401 error. but when im using JWT token from auth0 API debugger extension it success
how to specity types for post and also return data on useForm and useModalForm
const { formProps, saveButtonProps, onFinish } = useForm();
accessControlProvider multi level resources
How can i filter access to all the resources belonging to one parent resource?
I have some trouble with cloning the repo, it keeps throwing...
I have some trouble with cloning the repo, it keeps throwing
$ git clone
Cloning into 'refine'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 326761, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (48/48), done....
How to custom header request with hooks of refine?
How to custom header request with hooks of refine?
on login go to root instead of first defined resource
After I login the, in safari, the browser goest to the URL of the first defined resource, I would like to go to the url i return in the login auth provider, how can i do that?
redirect successful delete operation back to list action?
redirect successful delete operation back to list action?
Invalidate resources on logouot
Hi, I jsut started creating an app and don't know the best way to fix this. Here is my scenario:
1. User A logs in
2. User A fetches a list of posts from his account
3. User A logs out
4. Without refreshing the page...
passing param when navigating to another page useNavigation
passing param when navigating to another page useNavigation
e.g. how to populate sid here?
Create a download link for each row in a useTable
How can I generate a download link using the id of each row in a table generated using useTable and dataprovider