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When I use useForm and fetch twice call api

``` export const CancelModal = ({ subscriptions = [], membershipStateType, }: CancelModalProps) => {...

Have they released the backend setup for the CRM template with GraphQL?

Have they released the backend setup for the CRM template with GraphQL?


hey, everyone. Does anyone have any code examples on ThemedLayoutV2 styling in Nextjs 14+? All examples I see are for NextJS 12 and refine 3x. Sider is now deprecated; if I try to do something similar, I get 2 sidebars, custom, and default. It looks like Refine does not want to stop generating the default ThemedLayoutV2. I've spent all day trying to fix it.

ESLint issues with auto-generated code

The inferencers seem to generate code that conflict with popular ESLint configs which made us wonder whether we can have some more control over the code that gets generated. Currently there is code generated such as: ```TypeScript <Typography variant="body1"> <strong>{translate("home.fields.paymentTerms")}: </strong>{store?.paymentTerms ?? ""}</Typography>...

[antd: Menu] `children` is deprecated. Please use `items` instead.

It seems strange that this error is happening now when the app was serving the refine crm dummy data fine before, now that im trying to fetch my own data from a ZohoAnalytics data source instead im getting these ant library errors, but i dont see how that wasnt causing a deprication error before though?

Supabase throws error "unexpected end of input expecting field name (* or [a..z0..9_$])"

When my page loads one of the initial queries is*&offset=0&limit=10&=ilike.%25 I think the &=ilike.%25 at the end is causing the error but I cannot figure out how to remove it...

inference with Supabase

Hi, I'm trying to setup a basic crud with Supabase as data provider and antd for generating the UI's with the inferencer. Now the schema I have in postgresql, is not the public one. But with another name. I passed this name when configuring the Supabase client. But when I try to browse to the page in chrome it throws an error. In the console logs there is mentioned that the schema should be the public schema....

About the useForm hook

Is the “useForm” hook under refinedev/core and refinedev/antd packages the same?

REFINE application with NextJS can be deployed to Amazon S3? How?

I've developed REFINE application with NextJS. Now I want to deploy it to Amazon S3. Can it be deployed to Amazon S3? It contains dynamic routes such as /item/edit[id] stuffs like that.

useCustom GraphQL query

Can you show me how to go about setting up useCustom hook for this query? I'm using NestJS-Query a backend. The query: ```...

I get an error when building project

When I run the npm run build command I get an error ```error TS6305: Output file '.../vite.config.d.ts' has not been built from source file '../vite.config.ts'. The file is in the program because: Matched by include pattern 'vite.config.ts' in '.../tsconfig.json' ...

How to handle an API that returns data nested in objects?

For example, in the documentation the shape of the categories enddoint is an array of category objects. What if that array is nested inside an object in the response? For example: ``` { "categories": [ {...

How do i deploy my supabase+antd website. Somehow its always failing

please let me know if anybody has deployed any website before

Make Inferencer to use related objects id rather than the name

I have an issue with Refine Inferencer. I have the following REST response: ```json [ { "id": "d212dfb9-f17a-4367-80a6-c013ef99037e",...

Adding/using multiple supabase data providers

Is it possible to use multiple(two) supabase data providers with one being used as an authentication provider aswell. When trying to specify which data provider to use, refine seems to always default to the supabase client thats used for the auth even when I specify the correct data provider to use using the dataProviderName prop on the useTable hook and resource property...

How to use filter clear button The filter clear button on filterDropdown doesn't have any effect. How can I debug this?

pixels-admin dark

How can I modify Pixels-Admin to support dark mode?

Dark Theme on Pixels Admin

How can I get Pixels-Admin to respect the dark theme? To begin with, this auth page isn't dark (as specified with the following on the ConfigProvider: <ConfigProvider theme={{ algorithm: theme.darkAlgorithm ...

New page not shown on main page on click, but navigates away unlike the 2 examples in the given repo

my new page shows in the sidebar but navigates to a new page unlike the 2 existing demo apps I added this to my resources in src/app/layout ( using the nextjs version) { name: "createUser",...

Supabase Join table sort

how do you create a sorter on a joined table with meta select on useTable when using supabase?