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timeout on request

how to put a time out on a request so if if exceeds a time it aborts using simple rest data provider

Changing the useSelect Return Formatting

Am I able to change what's returned in @refinedev/antd's <Select.Option> values?

Filterdropdown for UUID not working Supabase

filterDropdown={(props) => ( <FilterDropdown {...props}> <Select placeholder="Filter by ID..." {...selectProps} style={{ width: "300px" }} /> </FilterDropdown> )}...

How to send a filter boolean in hook?

How to send a filter boolean in hook?

Validate email and password in AuthPage antd

How can i config my validate for email and password in AuthPage antd?

Displaying data with a mix of Form and EditableaTable

Hello everyone ! I've been using Refine since a couple of weeks and it has been a really amazing discovery! The documentation is great but I can't find a way to include both an EditeableTable and a Form within the same component (which is plugged to a Strapi datasource). I have an object that includes a few classic attributes and a repeatable component (which is an Array of objects). ...


Using Ant Design and the built in useNotificationProvider from refine/antd, how can i make custom ontifications

humanizeThe function converts the resource name to a more human-readable format. The default value

is this still used humanize The function converts the resource name to a more human-readable format. The default value uses the humanize-string library....

How to customize onFinish notification messages How can I customize notification messages when running onFinish from CreateFormProps or EditFormProps?

how to add port on refine start

how to add port on refine start

set range numbers

How to set a range numbers to make a discount. Ex: I want do set a discount of 3 dollars if a customer pays above 20 dollars , and set a discount of 4 dollars if a customer pays 30 dollars and discount of 5 dollars if a customer pays more than 40 dollars...

Decimal places

How to convert a number in 1 decimal place

delete many example dataprovider can you show me an example implementation for deleteMany for a rest data provider

data returned from useOne is always undefined even if the query is responding correctly

I have this graphql based useOne implementation. The request and response is okay when checked in the network tab but the data returned by the useOne() hook is undefined. ``` const { data, error } = useOne({ resource: 'users',...

Reload form

how to reload details page with useDrawerForm

Where can I get source demo multi-tenant of strapi by refine?

Where can I get source demo multi-tenant of strapi by refine?

Open another resource

How to redirect to another resource/page after a sucessfully

create resource with another resource as a field

In the create form how can I add an input that is another resource

Error in usecustom api call

this is the variable i'm using with my api call const { data: globalbalanceData , error, isLoading } = useCustom<{ data: IGlobalBalance; }>({ url: ${API_URL}/globalbalance/bydate, method: "get",...

Getting error when building project for production

When we are trying to build our project with npm run build command, we are getting the following error Error occurred prerendering page "/_not-found" and ReferenceError: self is not defined...