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Data not filtering by characters

export const CustomerList = () => { const { tableProps, filters } = useTable<ICustomers>({ resource: "customers", onSearch: (values: any) => { return [...

rest data provider or filters

rest data provider or filters

list table ellipsis

I have a table on ant design with this code ``` <List> <Table {...tableProps} rowKey="id"> <Table.Column dataIndex="name" title="Nom" />...

Show retrieves only ID

``` export const ShowBusiness = () => { const { queryResult } = useShow({ resource: 'businesses', });...

Single join does not work with nestjsx/crud

Hello, Nestjsx crud request builder generates join query like "join[0]" or "join[1]" for multiple joins, but nextjsx-crud is not able to process that. It's only able to process "join" only. and it can accept multiple joins. Did anyone bumbed into this?...

Clone record using useCreate hook

How can I clone a record when I have its id and want to clone it with different date field? I want to use useCreate hook

Can't redirect to login in authProvider because of async/await

If you use async/await in authProvider methods, it doesn't take redirectTo into account. is there any solve?

is there any reason for refine not to work offline?

I was just flying and noticed two things: 1) does telemetry by default 2) none of my providers where being called Is there a reason for refine not to work offline? Could it be a react-query configuration (i know theres a mode that when offline does not do calls)...

In useCustom, useList and useSelect hooks (antd), how can I check if request was succesful?

In useCustom, useList and useSelect hooks, how can I check if request was succesful?

refetch provided by tableQuery / tableQueryResult never runs

refetch provided by tableQuery / tableQueryResult never runs. How can I make it run?

antd useModalForm doesn't refetch after successful form submission.

antd useModalForm doesn't refetch after successful form submission. How can I make sure a refetch occurs after success?

A Package or implementation example for NestJS

Hello, I want to adopt the simple rest and I want to modify my API to comply with the simple-rest data provider. Do you know any package in JavaScript that implements json-server querying standards to TypeORM

different resource structure depending on admin user

different resource structure depending on admin user

data grid client filters not updating pagination

data grid client filters not updating pagination count

form values revert to old values just after submit is pressed using antd editDrawerForm, the new values get passed to the mutation and everything works, but just after submitting the form input values revert to their original values. How can I keep this from happening?

How to render sider items at once instead of one by one under access control?

I am using Next.js with mui and enabling access control in my project. The sider items will not render one by one if there is no access control provider available. So I think the default <CanAccess> wrapper in the sider.tsx cause this behaviour. ...
No description

login route is checking for authenticated

I am using <Authenticated key="authenticated-routes" fallback={<CatchAllNavigate to="/login" />}> But i dont wan this to happen on the login page iteself as if throws error with the access control check...

formProps id is does not work when filtering table

formProps id is does not work when filtering table

antd useTable refetch antd useTable is not automatically refetching list data after a successful update via useDrawerForm. How can I force a refetch on the useTable data to get the updated values?