


Join the community to ask questions about Refine and get answers from other members.




This is my current query

This is my current query ```{"query":"query GetPeople($sort: [String], $filter: people_filter, $offset: Int, $limit: Int) {\n people(sort: $sort, filter: $filter, offset: $offset, limit: $limit) {\n id\n status\n sort\n name\n email\n phoneNumber\n Type\n tags\n avatar {\n filename_disk\n }\n }\n}\n","variables":{"sort":[],"where":{"email__eq":""},"start":0,"limit":10},"operationName":"GetPeople"} ...

Hi Guys, I have implemented i18n on

Hi Guys, I have implemented i18n on Refine with next.js from the documentation, I used localized files to replace <AuthPage> component texts and it's working but the translation seems done on client side and then I got en Error message saying : "Text content does not match server-rendered HTML". Any know how I can make the translation done on the server side to prevent this Hydration problem ?

Hey Guys,

Hey Guys, I am Trying to access the refine devtools, and the refine devtools is active on Port 5001, yet when I try to access it, i am prompted with a could not connect to server. Can anyone help me with this?...

How do I make a custom request to a url

How do I make a custom request to a url in nextjs + antd + supabase refine setup I need to access and admin APIs for my dashboard for creating user and stuff Any ideas?...

Hi guys, two questions:

Hi guys, two questions: - when will the tutorial with next.js be released? - If I use nextJs, why refine CLI add resource don't create the CRUD structure into app/ folder with nextJs syntax (example app/resource/page.tsx, app/resource/[id]/page.tsx etc..) ? thx...

Hi everyone! I'm Lucas, a backend

Hi everyone! I'm Lucas, a backend developer who is dealing with a backoffice card in the job. I'm very beginner with Refine but experinced with react and next. I'm facing an issue when I try to deploy the development I did, when I see the logs from the pods (kubernetes) when the app its starting (with refine start --port 8080) it seems like the start process try to create a folder with the path pathToApp/.config/refine-update-notifier-nodejs, it fails because the permissions of the FS which are setted to readonly. Can anyone tell me what this folder is for? there is a way to disable that folder creation? thanks in advance for any answer you can gave me...

Hi. I created a project using vite, but

Hi. I created a project using vite, but when i try to npm run build I get this error: src/contexts/color-mode/index.tsx:55:13 - error TS2322: Type '{ zIndexPopup?: number | undefined; colorFillContentHover?: string | undefined; colorFillAlter?: string | undefined; colorFillContent?: string | undefined; colorBgContainerDisabled?: string | undefined; ... 480 more ...; colorErrorBgActive: string; }' is not assignable to type 'Partial<ComponentToken> & Partial<AliasToken> & { algorithm?: boolean | MappingAlgorithm | MappingAlgorithm[] | undefined; }'. ā€¦ā€Ø Type 'import("/Users/bogdanripa/git/refine/client/node_modules/@refinedev/antd/node_modules/antd/es/theme/interface/index").MappingAlgorithm' is not assignable to type 'import("/Users/bogdanripa/git/refine/client/node_modules/antd/es/theme/interface/index").MappingAlgorithm'. Property 'colorErrorBgActive' is missing in type 'import("/Users/bogdanripa/git/refine/client/node_modules/@refinedev/antd/node_modules/antd/es/theme/interface/maps/index").MapToken' but required in type 'import("/Users/bogdanripa/git/refine/client/node_modules/antd/es/theme/interface/maps/index").MapToken'....

Hi guy, i notice that https://telemetry.

Hi guy, i notice that request is always pending for today, it work fine yesterday . Is there anyone facing the same issues ?

can some one say how to edit sidebar of

can some one say how to edit sidebar of the example. I cant find a place

Hi guys, new in refine... is Refine a

Hi guys, new in refine... is Refine a good starting point to use it with Nextjs 14 and SSR? Basically I'd need to create an admin dashoard with datatables etc.. using Nextjs v14, SSR, next-auth, Tailwind and fetch rest-api... Anyone has a boilerplate maybe? Thanks šŸ™šŸ½...

Is there any JavaScript template in

Is there any JavaScript template in Refine?

why this errors

why this errors ```js src/App.tsx:1:10 - error TS2305: Module '"@refinedev/core"' has no exported member 'Authenticated'. 1 import { Authenticated, GitHubBanner, Refine } from "@refinedev/core";...

Hello, I started my first small Refine

Hello, I started my first small Refine project ~5 months ago as a backend dev. Now I need to add some functionality, so I thought, let's first update all dependencies. I could update all minor versions without a problem using yarn upgrade, but when updating some major versions something broke regarding DataGrid. Now my question, what and when is the recommended way/time to upgrade? Should we just do it manually like I tried or is there some sort of common tool or combination of versions provided by Refine? When I create a new project using npm create refine-app@latest I see it does not contains the latest versions either. So should I wait then?...

Hi everyone! I'm new to refine and I

Hi everyone! I'm new to refine and I want to explore more about the framework so I tried to open two refine dev environment. But it seems that the default behavior refine devtools is designed to use port 5173. So the second server cannot be started because it won't use port other that 5173. Is there any workaround for this problem like manually config port number or turn off the devtools? Thank you!!...

Type 'QueryClient' is not assignable to

Type 'QueryClient' is not assignable to type 'QueryClientConfig | QueryClient | undefined'.


Hi, Does anyone know why the list views does not have resizeable columns? I want to enable colum resizing in datagrid. I have followed the MUI documentation and used the resizeable=true in the colums array. But that is not working. ...

use multiple Data providers with

use multiple Data providers with different domain routes. Then use dataProviderName on the hooks to select the one you want. I use this often for switching from mock to proper api....

im getting ```ERROR in ./node_modules/@

im getting ```ERROR in ./node_modules/@refinedev/mui/dist/index.mjs 14:0-37 Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@mui/material/Box' in 'xxxx/node_modules/@refinedev/mui/dist' Did you mean 'index.js'? BREAKING CHANGE: The request '@mui/material/Box' failed to resolve only because it was resolved as fully specified (probably because the origin is strict EcmaScript Module, e. g. a module with javascript mimetype, a '.mjs' file, or a '.js' file where the package.json contains '"type": "module"')....

I am not clear . What I am trying to do

I am not clear . What I am trying to do is use the template and link it to my own database . Preferably a headless cms

So if you want your team to go full

So if you want your team to go full refine for all new projects is it just best to go with Vite?