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And having another issue with Refine

And having another issue with Refine using Antd Failed to run, is it incompatible with Antd package?...

please help if anyone know how to get

please help if anyone know how to get client id for start refine

Finefoods Ant Design Admin Panel - refin...

Hi everyone, I am new to refine admin framework. My background from SPA react js and Node middleware write in typescript. I am looking for a right tool to develop Privilege Account Review and Management for company. Does refine admin support my existing restful api? And does it allow me to build custom page? So far my reference is based on Finefoods

Hello everyone I m using a customtoolbar

Hello everyone. I'm using a customtoolbar passed as a components prop in my datagrid. Is there any way I could tweak the looks of the 'modal' GridToolbarColumnsButton shows when clicked?...

Hey guys good day quick question does

Hey guys good day, quick question, does the Select component of Refine Mantine supports pagination ? I have connected the useSelect hook with the Select dropdown and set hasPagination to true with pageSize of 20 but I'm not seeing any events that could trigger a fetchMore event or something similar. I've been doing some search in the docs and via google but I couldn't find anything related

Hello I want to follow the rules here

Hello. I want to follow the rules here, but I'm not sure if I can post a question in general... I'm using Inferencer, but if api don't have any resources, it's displayed as follows. I also want to define basic InferField lists for each API, so is there any way?...
No description

Hi pinksheep 3388 can you give us `npm

Hi @sheepndreams, can you give us npm run refine whoami output for debug ?

https refine dev docs comparison kinda - kinda outdated - AdminBro is now AdminJS - resources from don't seem to work anymore, particularly the ones for Github repo / stars...

hi guys sorry idk why i cant make a

hi guys, sorry idk why i cant make a thread on my phone. i want to ask how to get history state when i try to pass data to next page with push on useNavigate. thabk you

inferencer + hasura

Hi! I'm experimenting with the Hasura data provider, and I am most interested in refine's "Auto-generated CRUD UIs from your API data structure" feature. For now it seems that inferencing (eg. via AntdInferencer) is not yet supported ( and when trying to create a resource using the cli using npm run refine create-resource it generates components, which use AntdInferencer:...

Create projects with javascript

Hello everyone, I wanted to know how I can create a project in JavaScript with this command: npm create refine-app@latest my-project. Apparently, there is no option to choose the language, and it's generating the project with all different options in TypeScript. I did check the JavaScript documents that lead to here: But with this, I cannot see various options for choosing styling frameworks and others. It directly gene...

create-refine-app with yarn v3

just going through the getting started tutorial, and finding that the install using npm is working but yarn install command isn't working for me: yarn create refine-app -- -o refine-mui tutorial I would have liked to try out using yarn. My node is v18.13.0 and yarn is v3.3.1. ...

Hello all

Hello all Is there any live project that has been built using refine ? I want to see how does it look Thank šŸ˜...


Hello there! IĀ“m back on working on my project with Refine. The thing is that I chose strapiv4 as backend and I didnĀ“t have a good experience, such as inexistence of database transactions and self-relationships. IĀ“m willing to experiment new dataproviders and I saw a lot of people migrating to prisma + supabase. I saw some users connected refine and prisma with graphql, but I was wondering if I lose something using supabase + refine and apis + prisma.

Hey there I m having a hard time working

Hey there! I'm having a hard time working around useTable() or useList(), such that the api I'm using has page & size query parameters that do not match in name as the ones given in a default DataProvider. I would still like to have pagination - what is the intended work around for this case? (Apologies if this has been asked before, I could not find it)

Hello I have an api endpoint with parent

Hello, I have an api endpoint with parent paths, like api/v1/admin/organisations....when using refine resources api calls are made to api/v1/organisations. How can I customize the endpoint url for organisations resource?

Hi everyone šŸ‘‹ Is it possible to use

Hi everyone šŸ‘‹ Is it possible to use hydra API response directly in refine or we can juste use json format ?

Using Refine Example

Hello, everyone. I am new to refine and this discord server as well. I just needed help regarding refine's fine-foods admin panel example. How can I use it in my local? I see that it can be used using the --example command in cli but I am still fully aware as to how exactly. Please help me with the steps. Reference:

Refine platform is great However did

Refine platform is great. However, did somebody use useInfiniteQuery? If useInfiniteQuery is not in Refine library, can we use react query together with refine core? Thank you.

Hello everyone

Hello everyone Best wishes for the new year! Could somebody help me out with a sample how to build a small application with microservices? Anything that Refine can do as a starting point? ...