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Change title

I would like to change the header file title from refine to somethign else i tried to change it to a <DocumentTitleHandler handler={customTitleHandler} /> but it didn't work(btw this is the customTittleHandler ```import { IResourceItem, Action } from "@refinedev/core"; interface TitleHandlerOptions { resource?: IResourceItem; action?: Action;...

mantine problem

Hello Why when i click refresh btn in edit page it causes max depth re rendering even if the page is empty I use mantine as ui library...

Passing values to a create button

I want to have a specific create button in the table view. So when I press the create it should also passes the ID of that row in the table where the button is present. When I'm at the create view then I can retrieve this ID of the row. How can I do this?...

invalidate state of useTable hook

Hi, my goal is to force useTable to refetch its data, basically refresh, when I click a header button on the list page, how can I do this?

Refresh button for list in edit page

Hi, I am using refine and I disabled the show page so it goes to the edit page right away. However I modified the edit page to contain the list (antd design) of sub resources. For example I have buildings as primary resource and as sub resource I have offers, these offers show (relevant to the current building). However I would like to add a refresh button at the top of the list to refresh the items of the list or maybe even add real time updates in the future....


How to use: headers: ['Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'X-Requested-With', 'Origin', 'Accept'], with strapi4...

custom queryParams to useDataGrid

Hello guys 👋 I have this code ```ts const dataGrid = useDataGrid<IAccount>({ resource: "journalLine/ledger",...

custom handle edit page field

Hi, I have a checkbox that dynamically shows an input when checked. this input is called realtorFee and represent a field in the backend, now the toggle is called realtorFeeToggle which is just a frontend conditional input to show that field. This works on the create page just fine, but on the edit page the switch is always off, even if the realtorFee has a value. How can I modify my antd design edit page for my resource so the toggle is enabled when realtorFee has a value (not null)?

Antd table with interfaces

Can you provide an example of a fully typed Antd table that includes at least one data relationship (e.g., category id to category name)


src/routes/companies/components/table-view.tsx:61:22 - error TS2739: Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type 'Pick<AntdIconProps, "scope" | "children" | "size" | "label" | "list" | "max" | "required" | "type" | "data" | "default" | "high" | "low" | "key" | "id" | "media" | ... 347 more ... | "twoToneColor">': onPointerEnterCapture, onPointerLeaveCapture 61 filterIcon={<SearchOutlined /> as any}...

Login issues

I don't know why when i first login the resources are not loading in the sider. The access control provider is not loading as well. Edit/show/delete buttons are disabled. I have to refresh the page to load resources in the sider and enforce access control rules. The table is loading with data....

implement multitenancy from scratch Can you give me detailed steps on how I should approach a custom multitenancy implementation based on using react router, a custom data provider using graphql, and a custom auth provider?

Items in Sidebar take multiple reloads to show up after saving

Not sure if anyone else has run into this. I noticed that after making some changes and saving, the options in the side bar (created by the passed resources) take 2 reloads to show up. Not sure what's causing this or if there is a remedy.

SEE Server Sent events

Is there any examples of SEE server sent event providers

Antd filter dropdown types doesn't include clearFilters prop Antd filter dropdown types doesn't include clearFilters prop and is breaking the build step. How can I debug this?

Custom api endpoint with useUpdate

Is it possible to provide mutate a custom api endpoint when using the useUpdate data hook? I want to get the flexibility of useCustom but be able to make the call in response to a user action like pressing a button.

sql database backend recommendation

I am currently working with the refine demo page for a custom crm im building but it does not yet have a backend. Any recommendations ? My current dataset is in postgresql and don’t have much knowledge on what best yet to use for my backend

error on useRegister

How can handle the error, to show in the inputs, when the useRegister catch a error?

Make a card with strapi

Make a card with latest data modification with strapi provider and antd


I need to add the cloning action, but it seems that I need to duplicate the edit page for that? kinda counter productive to have to duplicate code