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Hi all, I’m hoping someone can help me

Hi all, I’m hoping someone can help me wrap my head around issues with API keys and environment variables in refine. Is it possible to avoid using environment variables that aren’t exposed to the browser (I.e., NEXTPUBLIC). Sorry I looked all around but couldn’t find an answer on how to secure my Airtable provider keys in refine😓

I am able to do this with **useEffect

I am able to do this with useEffect, but every hot reload breaks the state. Not sure why. A solution is to abuse the successNotification callback and call setData there. Am I overlooking a simpler and better way to do this?...

With **useList**, why was **onSuccess**

With useList, why was onSuccess deprecated?

Hey, general questions about the dev

Hey, general questions about the dev tools. Why does it require a github or google login. I am using refine in an enterprise setting and wondering is any active data from the app sent anywhere externally when running the dev tools?...

Hi, I need guidance for making dashboard

Hi, I need guidance for making dashboard in next js I want to use custom auth(REST), headlesss ui to style as per design requirement I know refine using react query which is great - I find refine AuthPage component has many built in component like LoginPage, ForgetPasswordPge, RegisterPage etc...

It's not validation I need - it's a data

It's not validation I need - it's a data condition. Basically, before submitting I need the logic to go grab a value from a different data source (or create it if it doesn't exist there) and then append it onto the form data. At this point I'm deep into a custom method but would still be interested in a solution if someone has one for future reference...

I am on a project with refine core 4.5.8

I am on a project with refine core 4.5.8, can I safely update to the recent version? Can't find a changelog either. Are there breaking changes?

what for is refine devtools, how do i

what for is refine devtools, how do i activate it, where is the documentation for it?

I would create a message in #ask-any-

I would create a message in #ask-any-question but I don't know if this would fit there... It takes a while to navigate. It's a very consistent while, so it almost feels artificial. Is there an artificial timer when navigation?

hi! im new here, is there a way to

hi! im new here, is there a way to initialize a next.js project with app route using create-refine -app ?

Is it possible to debug the check

Is it possible to debug the check function inside the authProvider, since for whatever reason that fails but using both normal devtools and refine devtools I cannot seem to figure out why it fails

Hi, I am building the React Admin

Hi, I am building the React Admin Dashboard, and the nested Routes are not working. The EditButton does not open a new route of http://localhost:5173/companies/edit/1 and http://localhost:5173/task shows an error of No routes matched location "/task" . Am I missing something?

Hi, I have tried your minimal CRM ap.

Hi, I have tried your minimal CRM ap. But I would like to see the APIs in the backend and how data is saved. Is there anyway to access the backend code for that?

Hi Everyone.

Hi Everyone. I am building some CRUD pages in our product and found Refine to be a great fit for our case. With that, I am having an issue - I am using @refinedev/graphql provider, and can't figure out how to make pagination work. My list query returns an array of entities, and I don't see a way to add count variable....

I am having trouble signing into the

I am having trouble signing into the refine devtools. No matter if I sign in with GitHub or with Google, all I get is an invalid-seesion-token error

Hello people, i just did the javascript

Hello people, i just did the javascript master react refine tutorial, and i didn't understand one thing, can i connect this app with firebase so i can have a backend easily?

Hello everyone I hope you are all doing

Hello everyone I hope you are all doing good, i want to ask you if anyone has already used refine to create both right-to-left and left-to-right oriented UIs and if it's good enough ?

hey i am new to refine, but i want you

hey i am new to refine, but i want you suggestion between chakra and antd design. which one should i choose. in terms of size and perfomance which one better?

useForm error handling

Hello, I'm a backender and playing with Refine so I'm new to React. I have an "create new item" page and copied to code from the inferencer. When the request to server failed I see a red notification with an HTTP 500 error. The response from the server contains information what was wrong. How can I present this to the user? I tried to add a errorNotification to useForm, but that doesn't seem to work. Any help or pointer is welcome.