


Join the community to ask questions about Refine and get answers from other members.




can someone help me make an email in

can someone help me make an email in sendgrid?

Why do I have ignoredRouteFiles in remix

Why do I have ignoredRouteFiles in remix.config.js ?

Hi all, do you know how to make pages in

Hi all, do you know how to make pages in folders for remix? And why all files are prefixed with underscore? Like "_layout.tsx"

Using refine in monorepos

Hello, please tell me is it possible to run refine in monorepo? I'm getting a "refine core package not found" error. It seems that getInstalledRefinePackages is not designed for the monorepo case.

onClick show walk in record BOOKING ID

onClick={() => show("walk_in", record?.BOOKING_ID)} onClick={() => { go({ to: getToPath({ resource: "walk_in" ...

Iโ€™m interested in the enterprise

Iโ€™m interested in the enterprise features but donโ€™t have a non personal email for submitting the form

Hi all can anyone help me with solving

Hi all, can anyone help me with solving this error: Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined at node_modules/fbjs/lib/setImmediate.js, I'm trying use react-form-builder2 package and getting this error....

chakra ui form

Hi guys! I have a question, maybe a silly one but im not very experienced with react and just starting to learn refine. Is it possible using the inferencer generated page for create and save to change the data before submitting? I have found this link with related information but it works using a form and the inferencer for ChakraUI doesn't generate any form. Any idea? Thank you

hi there i have question about edit page

hi there i have question about edit page, API get detail data and patch have difference schema ex: ``` GET { ...... other field...

Hi there I want to build kind of a

Hi there, I want to build kind of a business middleware that will help me handle some administrative tasks. Basically I want to aggregate products from all our vendors into one single application. Our vendors upload a csv to a ftp server, every morning at around 4am a new file gets uploaded. Now what should I do? is there a way to serve the csv directly? Without the need to store that into a database? We only read from those csv files. The data will be converted and put into another system via rest on demand (to fill quotes and orders) I hope you understand my question (not a native speaker) ๐Ÿ™‚...

How s it going

How's it going? Need the server side code demo of This private repository, need it. I can't open it....

hi i have a problem with mem in next

hi, i have a problem with mem in next-router-worker, use much RAM.

refine + next.js

Hi guys, we've been testing Refine for a project recently doing standard CRA. Lately I've been toying with Next.js to see how that could benefit my application. Whats refine and next.js relation and how do they work together? Seem to me like taking advantage of the next.js SSR/SSC makes refine a bit redundant? or can you use refines useList/useTable etc on server side the same way? Please help me understand ๐Ÿ™‚

anyone facing White screen of death when

anyone facing White screen of death when creating a MUI with example pages using vite js?

i tried a blog post to authenticate my

i tried a blog post to authenticate my next js app but i'm getting some issues like when i try route path it wasn't asking me to login

hello guys can you tell me how to setup

hello guys, can you tell me how to setup casl in react refine dev with access control provider ?


Not really sure this is #ask-any-question worthy so chiming in here. I am trying to use Tremor for some charting( I already have a refine app built with Ant Design. When throwing in Tremor i need tailwind which messes with most of my styling. Any workaround? If not, am I just better off trying to change the Tremor components i have into something like AntG2 --

Using swizzle

Hello I've created a new project using npm create refine-app@latest In the components folder i do not see the code for Sidebar Earlier it was called Sider i believe. Can someone help me with the same...

Applying search params

hello , I am using hook useTable of antd to fetch data and filter form. I am trying to send keyword in url . Example : /v1/promotions?event_status=UPCOMING Can someone help me where it went wrong....