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when you disable the create button with

when you disable the create button with disabled={true} it still allows the button to be clicked uh

Hello, i need some help connecting my

Hello, i need some help connecting my app to appwrite. I am using the template and is ok when i use it. But changing the APPWRITE_PROJECT and APPWRITE_URL in appwriteClient.ts to my personal appwrite keeps getting me CORS issue. What else should i change?

Hello, everyone, I have a json api and i

Hello, everyone, I have a json api and i want to connect with it. How can i do it? can someone help me out?

Hello , I need some advice here , i am

Hello , I need some advice here , i am creating a custom data provider. getting error in App.tsx file data provider prop. Type '{ getList: (resource: string) => Promise<{ data: any; total: number; }>; }' is missing the following properties from type 'IDataContextProvider': getOne, create, update, deleteOne, getApiUrl...

Hey. I use the operator "in" to filter

Hey. I use the operator "in" to filter clients by promo code, but I am not able to get the default value for promo code after refresh, because the filter looks like {field:"id",operator:"in",value:clientIds}. Could you recommend a suitable approach for this case?

Resources from the server

Hi, Has anyone tried getting resources from the server?

does `initialValues` or

does initialValues or defaultFormValues no longer work for useModalForm using antd?

Hi, I've been struggling with this error

Hi, I've been struggling with this error for several days, I don't know what to do. help please. [Error: EMFILE: too many open files, open 'D:Работа\\export-detail.json'] { errno: -4066, code: 'EMFILE',...

Hi. I’m new to refine. Maybe this is

Hi. I’m new to refine. Maybe this is just cause I’m starting. But I noticed the inferencer w/ simple-rest tries to fetch any field as a resource that’s a number. Is this normal? Shouldn’t that be restricted to fields like id or end in _id?

How do you conventionally build a custom

How do you conventionally build a custom menu on Sider (with CanAccess)? If using ITreeMenu default of Refine, you can't add "create" menu item in. If I'm using AntD Menu Items, it lacks lots of functionalities comparing to Refine. What should I do?

community health

For anyone else struggling with getting an input component to save a number using Antd, you have to use <InputNumber>. <Input /> and <Input type='number' /> so NOT work. I probably should have known this but it would have been great if anyone one from the community could have helped me out with this. I am sure this is common knowledge for most but I spent 2 hours trying to find a solution to this.

Hi, I'm using refine + mantine + remix,

Hi, I'm using refine + mantine + remix, and the mantine version is 5.10.4, however current release is 7, is this normal?

Hi, can anyone help with how to change

Hi, can anyone help with how to change page title in head tag in refine v4

refine figma

Is there a Figma library for refine? Loving the docs so far.

Hi guys. I'm using refine to create the

Hi guys. I'm using refine to create the crud page. I'm using supabase as DB I was implemented the list.tsx to show my record on a specific table and using ShowButton to navigate to the item itself. Now I want to remove showButton and click a row to display the page show item with the id of that row. I have found the prop onRow of table to set onClick to each row, but how can I get the event of the ShowButton?...

I just downloaded this https://example.

I just downloaded this, it's working fine, I want to modify this using my database MySQL how do I connect?

Hey, do anyone knows how to customize

Hey, do anyone knows how to customize graphql mutations that refine sends to backend?

Are you able to scaffold a fresh refine

Are you able to scaffold a fresh refine app with nextjs app for? Or do you have to use the example one? Cheers

Hey guys 🙂

Hey guys 🙂 I discovered refine a few weeks ago and had a hard time understanding what it actually ist. Now that im reading the docs basically from start to finish... can you please tell me where the catch is? This cant... be just a perfect software right? ...

Hello, does anybody have a working

Hello, does anybody have a working example of datePicker in dropdown filter for ant design table and useTable?