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Hey folks

Hey folks, I created a new project using npm create refine-app@latest so I have following versions: ``` "@refinedev/antd": "^5.7.0", "@refinedev/cli": "^2.7.4",...

GraphQL support for nodes and edges

Hi @Omer I am trying to use Elide's GraphQL API and trying to use refine-graphql. Elide returns data inside edges and node format. ```JSON { "data": {...

Ant Design Pro Layout issue

Hi, I'm facing this issue suddenly from today can anyone help me with this, worked fine till yesterday.
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By the way is it planed to have an

By the way is it planed to have an Express BO option ?

Hi i am stuck with google OAUTH someone

Hi i am stuck with google OAUTH someone available to help me ?

Am I stupid or what

Am I stupid or what? const { data, error } = useList<ApiData, HttpError>({...}) - type of error is HttpError. const { data, error } = useOne<ApiData, HttpError>({...}) - type of error is unknown. why?...

So I installed Refine with all the

So, I installed Refine with all the necessary dependencies. However I'm trying to edit(Sider) of the default blog project but I can't see any Sider file under my components or any other files. See attached images....
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Hi everyone I m new to refine and I

Hi everyone, I'm new to refine and I couldn't find anywhere a nice way to make a useSelect depend on another one. In my case I have states and cities ressources in a rest api backend, and in a Form I wanted the cities to be filtered out by the currently selected state. How to acheive this in a nice way ?

Apart from Crude can someone also add

Apart from Crude can someone also add functionalities to the refine application?. I have an already built application and I wish to integrate it with refine for the CRUDE functionality. Is there a way I can import to the application?

is it just me or the hackaton register

is it just me or the hackaton register is not working?

Hi Currently in the midst of migration

Hi ! Currently in the midst of migration ```ts <Authenticated fallback={<CatchAllNavigate to="/auth/login" />}> <ThemedLayoutV2...

[FEAT]: Provide a way to tweak navigatio...

Hello! Will someone help me out on running the example? I'm not sure what command will I have to use to start the examples. I'm working on this issue - Ran following commands so far!...

Hello need to include tailwind css to

Hello, need to include tailwind css to already existing refine.js with nextjs, ant-design ? any reference?

Is refine for a admin panel or for a

Is refine for a admin panel, or for a whole website? Because I have to replace mainly the whole front page, to be able to add my own page. How do I route the main “welcome to refine” page out?...

hey guys please who do i pitch for a

hey guys, please who do i pitch for a technical article idea?

SOLVED nothing to do with Refine it was

SOLVED: nothing to do with Refine, it was Expo cache issue, options to disable both work fine on Expo/react native I am not sure where should I write it so I am going with #general 😉 I am using Refine v4 in Expo/React Native app. It works as expected for web, but for mobile app I run into errors concering Telemetry (use of Image) and React Query Dev Tools (use of window functions). Disabling both didn't solve the isseue, as they were still present in dist production bundle and cause error. After removing both blocks app runs more or less as expected (still have problem firth firebase, but that is refine-firebase issue possibly). I will investigate further, so I have some solid feedback or pull request, just letting you know. Maybe anyone run into similar issues?...


can i get some help i bought carbonspigot and need the licensing

I was using useUpdateMany hook for bulk

I was using useUpdateMany() hook for bulk updation and it went well. but the table is not fetching the updated data is there any way to refresh the table after the operation...

Where’s the refine banner located at

Where’s the refine banner located at? This is GREAT to have all my libraries and DB ready. I’m using Nextjs